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Багбир (Bugbear)


Самые большие из гоблиноидов, багбиры (bugbears) - примерно 2 метров (7 футов) ростом и часто весят до 136 кг (300 фунтов). Шкура у них обычно желтоватая, в пределах от коричневатой до желто-горчичной. Грубые волосы - от коричневого до красно-кирпичного, а глаза зелено-белые с темно-красными зрачками, уши более клиновидные, чем таковые у их меньшей семьи. Нос у багбиров похож на медвежий, с прекрасно развитым обонянием. Именно эта их особенность определила их название - багбиры (bear (англ.) - медведь), хотя никакого отношения к медведям, даже отдаленного, багбиры не имеют.

Кроме того, их толстая шкура, бурые волосы и длинные гвоздеподобные когти, добавляют им сходства с медведями. Багбиры обладают исключительным зрением (инфравидение до 60 футов), слухом, ловкостью и могут передвигаться с удивительной проворностью, когда в этом возникает необходимость.

Язык багбиров - жуткая смесь из всхлипов, рыков и жестикуляции, которая заставляет многих недооценивать интеллект этих существ. Также многие багбиры говорят на гоблинском и хобгоблинском.


Whenever possible, bugbears prefer to ambush their foes. They impose a -3 on others' surprise rolls. If a party looks dangerous, bugbear scouts will not hesitate to fetch reinforcements. A bugbear attack will be tactically sound, if not brilliant. They will hurl small weapons, such as maces, hammers, and spears before closing with their foes. If they think they are outnumbered or overmatched, bugbears will retreat, preferring to live to fight another day.

Среда обитания/Общество

Bugbears prefer to live in caves and in underground locations. A lair may consist of one large cavern or a group of caverns. They are well-adapted to this life, since they operate equally well in daylight and darkness. If a lair is uncovered and 12 or more bugbears are encountered they will have a leader. These individuals have between 22 and 25 hit points, an Armor Class of 4, and attack as 4 Hit Die monsters. Their great strength gives them a +3 to all damage inflicted in melee combat. If 24 or more bugbears are encountered, they will have a chief in addition to their leaders. Chiefs have between 28 and 30 hit points, an Armor Class of 3, and attack as 4 Hit Die monsters. Chiefs are so strong that they gain a +4 bonus to all damage caused in melee. Each chief will also have a sub-chief who is identical to the leaders described above. In a lair, half of the bugbears will be females and young who will not fight except in a life or death situation. If they are forced into combat, the females attack as hobgoblins and the young as kobolds. The species survives primarily by hunting. They have no compunctions about eating anything they can kill, including humans, goblins, and any monsters smaller than themselves. They are also fond of wine and strong ale, often drinking to excess. Bugbears are territorial, and the size of the domains vary with the size of the group and its location. It may be several square miles in the wilderness, or a narrow, more restricted area in an underground region. Intruders are considered a valuable source of food and treasure, and bugbears rarely negotiate. On occasion, they will parley if they think they can gain something exceptional by it. Bugbears sometimes take prisoners to use as slaves. Extremely greedy, bugbears love glittery, shiny objects and weapons. They are always on the lookout to increase their hoards of coins, gems, and weapons through plunder and ambush.


Bugbears have two main goals in life: survival and treasure. They are superb carnivores, winnowing out the weak and careless adventurer, monster and animal. Goblins are always on their toes when bugbears are present, for the weak or stupid quickly end up in the stewpot.

Источник Monstrous Manual Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® 2nd Edition Monstrous Manual