План Фугу

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План Фугу

Тип: Astral Dominion
Обитатели: Духи недавно умерших, the False, и the Faithless
Мировоззрение: нет
Гравитация: специальная
Время: нормальное
Форма и размер: неизмеряем
Морфирование статич. (божественно морф. для Келемвора)
Вера: последователи Келемвора
Стихии и энергия нет
Магия: затруднена (любая)

The Fugue Plane is a neutral plane within the Astral Sea where the souls of mortals are drawn when they die. The vast majority of this plane is flat, gray, bland and nondescript, with no notable topographical features. The plane's only significant feature is the City of Judgment in the middle of which stands the Crystal Spire where Келемвор and Джергал reside and it serves as the former's владение.

There are only three methods of getting to the Fugue Plane: as a divine servant collecting a deity's future petitioners, through non-permanent порталs from the Девять Адов or the Бездна, or through death. Also in Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer you can enter the Fugue Plane using the gate in the temple of Миркул, which is loated in shadow Мульсантир.


The petitioners of the City are the servants of Kelemvor and Jergal. The False and the Faithless also inhabit the realm.

The servants of Kelemvor and Jergal enact punishments on the False and act as a city militia to protect against танар'ри raids and, on rare occasions, attack the Abyss to punish демонs for attacking the city.

Kelemvor's Agreement

Souls can reside in the city for up to a tenday before a divine servant comes to collect them, often completely clueless to the fact that they are dead. During that time, баатезу are allowed to inform souls of their state and bargain with them. Souls are offered the chance to become devils themselves, usually starting as a лемур but having the chance to advance through the devilish ranks, possibly even becoming a дьявол ямы. This is the main way baatezu propagate. The prospect of becoming a devil may seem abhorrent to good-aligned mortals but those who follow evil and chaotic deities and those who fear what awaits them in the afterlife are much more likely to take up the offer.