Стронгхолд барда, BGII

Материал из AERIE Wiki
 Бард    -->  Театр под Пятью Графинами
              Идите в Район Моста, в Пять Графинов. Здесь вы найдёте Театр на
              нижнем этаже. Посмотрите неудачное представление и выслушайте
              просьбу о помощи Раелис Шай. Выполнив этот квест вы получите в своё
              распоряжение Театр.   
              Как только вы вернётесь в театр, хозяин Пяти Графинов, Самюэль
              Тандербурп спросит, что произошло. Можете сказать ему, что вы
              получили от Райлис Документы на Театр перед тем, как она отправилась.
              на Сигил. Затем он позовёт Хигголда, известного постановщика, чтобы
              поюеседовать с вами. Он попросит у вас денег через пол недели.
              Каждый раз, когда будет нужно, Хигголд отправляет мальчишку, чтобы
              вызвать вас.  Такое происходит каждые 4-6 дней. НЕ задерживайтесь
              на дела, как только посланник поговорил с вами,мначе качество
              игры будет страдать.Вы полусите ТРИ ДНЯ со времени получения сообщения
              до ухудшения игры из-за вашего отсутствия. Качество Игры определяет,
              насколько хорошей в результате получится пьеса, и как много денег
              вы соответственно получите в результате.
              Чтобы повлиять на Качество Игры, поговорите вначале с актёрами.
              Чем более дружелюбна обстановка, тем лучше они играют.  Они 
              разделениы на три группы: одни по настоящему угнетены, другие
              сомневаются в себе и последние очень рады и наслаждаются жизнью.
              Произойдут следующие события:
              Событие 1:  Выбор, кто из актрис: Найве Дженна или Илтейя.
                        Конечно, Дженна может быть вам симпатичнее, но
                        Илтейя обеспечит вам лучшую игру в конце.
                        Как много денег вложить: Минимум 1000 золотых, но
                        вы можете gjnhfnbnm вплоть до 10000 золотых. Обычно,
                        чем больше тратишь - тем лучше.
              Event 2:  Solve the jealousy between Jenna and Iltheia.  If
                        Iltheia is playing the small role and you put her in
                        the larger one you improve the quality of the play and
                        get 6750 exp.  Force Iltheia to accept her small role
                        for 15,750 exp and improve the Play Quality.  Expand
                        her role for a mere 6750 exp, however the Play Quality
                        will suffer.  If Jenna is in the small role and you
                        put her in the larger one, you get 6750 experience
                        but hurt the quality of the play.  Letting them solve
                        things on their own cuts the quality and nets you no
                        experience.  If Iltheia is in the lead, don't threaten
                        her or the play quality will dip.  Compliment her for
                        11,500 experience.  Then you have to give her 500 gp,
                        but it further improves the Play.
              Event 3:  Zeran is improvising.  Allow him to rewrite the play
                        for 15,750 exp and improve the Quality of the Play a
                        lot.  Allow him to keep improvising for 11,500 exp and
                        improve the quality of the play slightly.  Stop his
                        improvisation and you get NO experience and the Play
                        Quality slips a little.
              Event 4:  Everyone is rewriting their characters.  Have faith in
                        Zeran's changes, with a charisma of 17 or better and
                        the quality of the play improves.  Stop all
                        changes for 11,500 exp.  Stop the changes and pay them
                        500 gp as a bonus gets you 11,500 exp as well, this
                        also improves the quality of the Play.  Threaten to
                        "let them walk out" and you get no exp and the Quality
                        of the Play drops.  You can also take control of the
                        rewrites yourself, and if your Charisma is 17 or
                        better then you will also improve the quality of the
                        play and get 11,500 exp.
              Event 5:  The curse?  Lots of weird things are going on, and a
                        Priest offers to cleanse the theatre for 1000 gp.
                        Give him the gold and get 11,500 exp and improve the
                        play quality.  If you have a high charisma you can get
                        away with giving her 500 gp for 11,500 exp, but no
                        change in Play Quality.  If you can't afford to pay
                        and have a high charisma you can give her nothing and
                        still improve the Play Quality.  If you send her
                        packing, or have a low charisma you will hurt the play
                        quality quite a bit.
              Event 6:  Problems with the music.  Your musician has vanished.
                        Hiring Balmitance (the famous musician) has a great
                        effect on the Play Quality and nets you 15,500 exp at
                        a cost of only 500 gold.  Making Marcus write the
                        score hurts the Play Quality quite a bit.  If your
                        Intelligence is 15 or less then letting Marcus play
                        while you write really hurts the play and gets you no
                        experience.  If your INT is 16 or 17 you get 6750 exp
                        and a slight improvement to Quality.  At 18 INT
                        letting Marcus play the Harp while you rewrite the
                        music for 11,500 exp.  19 or better INT gets you the
                        best experience 15,500 and a better improvement to
                        play quality (thought not so good as hiring the famous
              30 or so days later...
              Event 7:  Barbarians have invaded the Theatre.  You meet Higgold
                        on the main level of the Five Flagons this time and
                        he begs for you to get rid of the barbarians who have
                        taken control.  Go downstairs, clean out the five
                        goons here (including one mage) and get 15,500 exp.
              Event 8:  A day later you can watch the dress rehearsal.  (You
                        could take notes on what is being said... it's kinda
                        important! Or you could just continue using this FAQ)
              Event 9:  Within three days (rather than the week you were
                        promised) you are summoned again.  And again he is on
                        the main floor.  Seems a major player at the City
                        Council is going to attend and Zeran is ill.  You
                        must take up the role of the wizard (whether you are
                        male or female it doesn't matter).
              The Play:  Since you are now in the role of the wizard, that
                         means you have LINES to perform.  Weren't paying
                         attention in the dress rehearsal?  Your lines are:
                           2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1
                         The City Council person speaks, and depending on how
                         YOU personally did you get experience:
                           49,500 experience (near flawless)
                           35,500 exp (several mistakes)
                           19,500 exp (many mistakes)
                         If you get the "near flawless", you also are given
                         a gift, the Aslaer's Harp.
                         Next the overall quality of the play is judged:
                           50,000 experience (near perfection)
                           29,500 experience (not quite perfect)
                           19,500 experience (not even close to perfect)
                         Finally Higgold offers to buy the theatre off of you
                         for 10,000 gold. (If you got the "near perfection"
                         score, anyway)  This is totally up to you.
                         How much money the Theatre generates during a week
                         depends entirely upon how much you invested at the
                         start and the quality of the play.  The more you
                         invest, the better the return.  If you invested the
                         maximum of 10,000 and had a phenomenal play, the max
                         amount per week is 1800 gp/week.  Every week past the
                         first, the gold/week drops by 100 gold until it hits
                         500 gold/week where it will remain.
              And that is that for the Bard's Theatre.