Стронгхолд паладина, BGII: различия между версиями

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Версия 23:42, 2 декабря 2010

 Paladin -->  Order of the Radiant Heart
              Talk to Lord Jierdan in the Copper Coronet (Slums) to get this
              ball rolling.  Finish the quest and return to Garren, who now
              offers to help you enter the Order of the Radiant Heart.  Your
              Paladin special abilities will also be increased.  Do NOT kill
              Firkraag until you are asked to.
                Note:  Although it says that your abilities are increased,
                       nothing appears to happen.
              Go to the Radiant Heart and talk to Prelate Wesselan in the top
              left side room.  Agree to what he says, then go talk to William
              Reirrac.  You are given a small room in the Order and started
              out doing quests:
              Event 1:  Go to Umar Hills and rescue Knights from an attack.
                        When you arrive at the Umar Hills, a runner
                        immediately takes you to the site of the battle.
                        There are Orgs, Ogre Mages and Ettins around.  Kill
                        them and try to keep the other Knights alive.  Return
                        to Reirrac to get your reward: 10,000 exp.
              Event 2:  Reirrac now wants you to go back to Umar Hills to meet
                        a Baron in the Inn.  This Baron wants you to remove
                        some Squatters from his land.  Talk to Brunson, Pardo
                        and Moreno outside of the Inn before going inside and
                        speaking with the Baron.  When speaking with the Baron
                        tell him everything you have learned from outside, and
                        Lanka will turn against him.  A fight breaks out, kill
                        the Baron.  Him and his goons range in experience from
                        3400 to 8000 and have some very minor treasures.  Go
                        outside and the farmers will thank you.  Return to the
                        Radiant Heart.  Tell Reirrac what occurred to get
                        25,500 experience. (If you didn't talk to the farmers
                        and help the Baron remove them then you get a mere
                        10,000 experience, if you DID talk to the farmers but
                        removed them anyway you get 15,000 exp)
              Event 3:  The Morningales are being slaughtered for opposing the
                        slave trade.  Only one member of this family has
                        survived, Tyrianna.  Head out to the Docks district.
                        Enter the house just to the right of the Temple of
                        Oghma.  Once inside you get to meet the "pleasant"
                        Tyrianna.  Soon you will be attacked by assassins,
                        which can be easily dispatched.  Then Tyrianna's
                        godfather, Hurgis arrives.  There are two possibilities
                        here, 1) he may be an evil assassin, or 2) he has
                        no proof of his identity, but doesn't detect as evil.
                        So, cast Detect Evil to see which he is.  If he
                        detects as evil he is an assassin that must be killed,
                        otherwise hand her over to him and return to the
                        Order.  Talk to Reirrac to get a reward:  Pride of the
                        Legion +2 (Plate Mail with AC of -1) and a Large
                        Shield +2.  If you had "Fallen" then your Paladin
                        abilities will be regained.
              Event 4:  The final event is to retrieve the Avenger from the
                        Red Dragon Firkraag.  Return to the dragon's lair and
                        go up to the dragon.  Make your battle preparations.
                        Now pause it, click on the dragon as though you were
                        going to talk to it, then switch over and have
                        everyone attack it instead.  If it works right, he'll
                        wait for you to talk to it, while you are busy
                        pummeling him!
                          Firkraag - 64,000 exp
                                     Red Dragon Scales
                                     Holy Avenger +5
                                     Cloak of the Shield
                                     1500 gold
                                     Spells - Invisible Stalker (Mage)
                        Return to Reirrac to get some experience (35,000).
                        Take the Scales to the Docks area and have Cromwell
                        make it into the Red Scale Armor. (AC of -1)