Подземье, BGII: различия между версиями
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Строка 264: | Строка 264: | ||
"призванными". | "призванными". | ||
− | - | + | - Работа на Дом Деспана |
− | + | Войдите в таверну и найдите Фаэрэ и Солауфейна. Фаэрэ сама заговорит с вами и попросит | |
− | + | присоединиться к силам её дома. Ответьте на это утвердительно (скажите "да")... вы | |
− | + | можете также намекнуть, что охотнее получили бы её в качестве награды (если вы | |
− | + | понимаете, что я имею ввиду), но это будет иметь плохие последствия, если у вас роман | |
− | + | с кем-то ещё. Она хочет, чтобы вы встретили её на той же платформе, что и раньше... | |
− | + | но не прямо сейчас. Сейчас она хочет, чтобы вы получили удовольствие в таверне сами. | |
− | + | (Смотрите квесты ниже, если вам нужно что-то сделать.) Когда она покинет таверну, | |
− | + | у вас есть 3 дня, чтобы попасть на платформу. | |
− | |||
− | + | Придите на Платформу и поговорите с Фаэрэ. Она скажет, что Бехолдер в городе доставляет | |
− | + | адамантит контрабандой. Она хочет, чтобы вы пошли туда и убили его. Солауфейн и она | |
− | + | разведают его в ближайшее время. Вы найдёте Фаэрэ опять в южной части города | |
− | + | (x 4200 y 3340). Поговорите с ней, чтобы провести битву. | |
− | |||
− | + | Убейте Бехолдера (14,000 опыта), и Солауфейн покажется счастлив от этого. Фаэрэ думает, | |
− | + | что тело надо забрать для... другого использования (20,000 опыта). Фаэрэ говорит вам | |
− | + | посетить её в таверну в течение 3 дней. | |
− | |||
Версия 22:04, 5 октября 2011
5. > > > > Глава 5: Подземье (AR 2100)
Начало: -----------
Если вы прошли через портал в подземелье Спеллхолда, то окажетесь здесь. Если поплыли на корабле, то окажетесь здесь же, но после города сахуагинов.
Следует видеовставка, из которой понятно, что Айреникус заключил союз с Дроу с целью уничтожить эльфов с поверхности. Один из пленных называет его "Джонелет", и Айреникус быстренько затыкает ему рот. Видимо, его там знают...
Прохождение: ------------
Пройдя на восток и немного на юг, вы найдете несколько торговцев - дуэргаров (x 1600 y 3700).Они видели, как Айреникус и Бодхи шли в сторону города Дроу, но уверены, что войти вы туда просто так не сможете. Один, впрочем, упоминает какой-то "другой" путь. Потом можно продаться/закупиться в их магазине. Еще здесь же можно взять квест про заточенного мага.
Далее на север, через группу Дроу, потом на запад через Миконидов и на север в город Свирфнеблинов(x 630 y 1135). (Свирфнеблин это другое название глубинных гномов (Deep Gnomes)). Они говорят, что вам стоит поговорить с их лидером и считают, что вы "можете оказаться полезными". Войдите в город, идите по проходу, потом до конца на юг, затем на запад. Здесь две комнаты, левая это таверна, в правой обитает лидер.
Он хочет чтобы вы расправились с потусторонней тварью которую они случайно раскопали, со своей стороны он соглашается помочь вам попасть в город дроу для продолжения охоты на Айреникуса. Внутри глубокой темной пещеры обитает существо именуемое Адалон, способное помочь вам попасть в город. Однако, вы не сможете попасть к нему не получив у гномов особый камень. (Свирфнеблины - другое название "Глубинных гномов") Соглашайтесь помочь им решить проблему с демоном в обмен на камень. (Конечно, будучи Злым, вы могли бы просто убить его и отобрать камень... Если бы вы были злым)
Note: Gunslinger напоминает, что вы можете просто обворовать гнома таким образом заполучив камень... ему это не понравиться, но в таком случае вам не придется ему что-либо доказывать.
Он скажет вам, что демон обитает в новом тоннеле на северо-востоке. Вы найдете этот тоннель в (x 3600 y 600). Поговорите там со стражем чтобы открыть дверь. Когда будете готовы, нажимайте на яму после чего появится Балор. Для того что бы его ранить нужно оружие не меньше +3. (Но если вы следовали этому прохождению, то у вас уже должны быть несколько орудий +3 или лучше) Его убийство дает 26,000 опыта. Но мы еще не закончили! О нет. Положите свиток (выданный вам гномом) в один из Быстрых слотов и используйте его. Это закроет дыру.
Возвращайтесь к лидеру гномов за наградой:
Булава +3, Череполом (дополнительный урон гуманоидам) Камень света 25,000 опыта всем персонажам
Выходите из города и отправляйтесь на восток. Возможно, вы встретите Куо-Тоа, с которыми придется драться (а может и нет). Затем идите на север, чтобы добраться до моста (x 3950 y 1890). Когда вы пересечете мост, объявится компания Дроу, ждавших вас в засаде. После драки удостоверьтесь, что все, кто может, одеты в элегантную броню Дроу.
Здесь дорога разделяется на две. Идите по левой и заходите в пещеру. (x 4100 y 1200)
Это логово Серебряного Дракона Адалон. (Если вы злой, вам потребуется Кровь Серебряного Дракона для создания "Брони из человеческой кожи"... ПОДОЖДИТЕ, заберете её позже!) Идите и поговорите с ней. Она хочет от вас помощи (как обычно). Её яйца были украдены Дроу (прим. пер. - разьве не Айреникусом лично?), чтобы она не вмешивалась и не помешала им напасть на поверхность для Айреникуса. В обмен за помощь она поможет вам выбраться из Андердарка, чтобы вы смогли спокойно убить Айреникуса. Чтобы помочь с возвращением яиц, она создаст могущественную иллюзию на вашу группу, превратив их всех внешне в Дроу.
Покиньте пещеру, идите вниз (не преходите мост), затем по другому проходу к воротам Дроу. Ворота сами откроются и страж Дроу спросит кто вы. Будьте понаглее (у Дроу это обязательно) и представьтесь как "Ведрин из Чед Нассад". Вам скажут явиться в Общество Мужчин-Воинов в течение трех дней.
Заходите в Уст Ната.
Квесты: -------
Другое: Ловцы разума
Ловцы разума - Подземье (AR 2100, x 200 y 2650)
Сразу к северу от места, где вы впервые вошли в эту область, вы найдёте несколько Ловцов разума. Эти три бандита будут хорошей практикой по борьбе с ними, которая понадобится, если мы соберёмся в город Иллитидов. (9000 опыта каждый.)
Другое: Первая битва с Дроу
Дроу - Подземье (AR 2100, x 1735 y 2170)
Первая настоящая битва с дроу произойдёт сразу к северу от места, где вы освобождаете Витала (смотрите следующий квест ниже). Дроу хорошо сражаются с магией, призывают существ на помощь себе для победы над вами и довольно разумно колдуют. Наиболее примечательная их особенность - броня дроу, которую вы определённо должны взять. Полный доспех дроу +5 - это лучшая броня в игре. Она рассыпется, когда вы попадёте на поверхность, но она очень полезна здесь.
Квест: Заключённый маг
Удер Мордин - Подземье (AR 2100, x 1770 y 3800) Маг - Подземье (AR 2100, x 1930 y 2090) Свирфнеблин - Подземье (AR 2100, x 1633 y 750) Витал (позднее) - Подземье (AR 2100, x 2375 y 3320)
Поговорите с последним дуэгаром, Удером Мордином, он поведает о маге, который был заключён в земле после битвы. Видимо, этот товарищ искал какой-то важный артефакт. Поговорите с дуэгаром- продавцом и купите свиток Свободы. Не записывайте его в свою книгу заклинаний, просто наколдуйте заклинание, затем идите на север, чтобы найти мага. (10,000 опыта)
Поговорите с Виталом, чтобы узнать, что он ищет великую ценность определённого вида. Он просит помощи в завершении работы. Он хочет достать свою Книгу Ритуалов у Свирфнеблина. Город свирфнеблинов может быть найден свреху слева области. Вы найдёте книгу у держателя таверны в левой коснате города. Вы можете купить её у него за 300 золотых. Если вы сейчас в виде дроу (если вы уже побывали у Адалон), он отдаст книгу бесплатно.
Вы найдёте Витала стоящим к северо-востоку от дуэгарского расположения, около одного из трёх порталов в область. Поговорите с ним и дайте ему книгу ритуалов. Согласитесь помочь ему выбраться. Затем появится Большой элементаль земли (10,000 опыта). Берегите от него Витала. Подождите чуть-чуть, тогда он снова появится и скажет вам идти к Огненным Вратам, которые сразу выше этих ворот. Поговорите с ним снова. Появится Большой элементаль огня (10,000 опыта). То же самое случится, когда Витал войдёт в портал. Затем идите налево к Вратам Воздуха.
Поговорите с Виталом снова и то же самое случится с Большим элементалем Воздуха в этот раз. (11,000 опыта)
Когда Витал вернётся (каждый получит 20,000 опыта) он предложит немного ценностей:
Жезл Поглощения
Если вы выразите недовольство, он даст пару заклинаний (Подобие и Жуткое увядание Аби-Дальцима). Если выразите недовольство снова, он атакует. Постарайтесь быстро его забить, чтобы избежать его Заточений.
Витал - 20,000 опыта Череп Смерти (Шлем, колдует Заклинание Смерти) Заклинания - Вопль Баньши Обжигающее облако Остановка времени Инфравидение
(Впрочем никто не мешает вам его банально обокрасть, используя "Fake Talk")
Квест: Тюрьма Душ
Тюрьма душ - Подземье (AR 2100, x 1940 y 1860) Дагглфодд (Dagglefodd) - Подземье (AR 2100, x 1770 y 610)
Слева от центра на этой локации находится Тюрьма Душ. Она имеет 6 граней, нажатие на грань освободит одного из узников. Они будут драться с вами. Слева направо:
Грань 1 (x 1845 y 1862) - Бешеный Аганало (Aganalo) - 6000 опыта Джор Кровопускатель (Меч-бастард +2) Грань 2 (x 1872 y 1901) - Раэвилин Страти (Raevilin Strathi) - 20,000 опыта Свиток (призыва) Грань 3 (x 1920 y 1920) - Рити - 8000 опыта Копьё +3, Предатель (Проклято) Свиток - Улучшенная спешка Грань 4 (x 1980 y 1920) - Альхра Диаготт (Alchra Diagott) (лич) - 22,000 опыта Свитки - Призвать Нишруу Отложенный огненный шар Обращение заклинаний Грань 5 (x 2025 y 1885) - Бедлен Дагглфодд (Bedlen Dagglefodd) (не атакуйте его!) Грань 6 (x 2035 y 1850) - Гонт Риатавинский (Gont of Riatavin) - 7000 опыта (если вы его отпустите, то не получите ничего кроме рассказа) Примечание: Освобожденный сумасшедший чародей, Раэвилин Страти нападает на вас. Но если применить заклинание клерика Heal, то он исцелится и в награду отдаст вам меч Альбруин +1. (от Джона Говарда)
Затем поговорите со старшим Дагглфоддом в городе свирфнеблинов и получите дополнительное вознаграждение:
Наручи AC 4 10,000 опыта
Теперь вы сможете покупать у него товар дешевле (правда ничего стоящего у него нет).
5.1 > > > > Уст Ната (AR 2200)
Вводная: --------
Когда вы войдёте в город, вы увидите небольшую сцену между дроу и его рабом. Он убивает раба, и в свою очередь умирает от руки своей матери. Это подчёркивает, что дроу злые. По настоящему злые.
Не раскрывайте себя как "не дроу" или весь город ополчится на вас. Хуже того, они могут замуровать вас (they might seal you in).
Прохождение: ------------
- Обосноваться в городе
Мы здесь, чтобы сделать одну или только одну вещь - получить яйца Серебряного Дракона и принести их Адалон. Чтобы сделать нужное нам, необходимо держать уши к земле (keep our ears to the ground, видимо по смыслу "не привлекать внимание") и искать информацию. Также нам надо заключить союз с Семьёй. Как только заключим союз, квесты станут доступны (например, вы не можете "Освободить людей" пока не заключили союз).
Следуйте в Мужское Боевое Общество (x 3535 y 1650). Здесь вас встретит Солауфейн. Он спросит ваше имя, скажите, что оно не имеет значения, его это позабавит и вы ему за это больше понравитесь. Он скажет вам, что вы будете работать на Матерей-Матрон (Matron Mothers), и вам следует встретиться с её подручной на платформе около входа. С этого момента у вас есть три дня, чтобы попасть на ту платформу и встретиться с Подручной (Handmaiden).
По пути обратно ко входу вы увидите встречу между несколькими Ловцами Разума (послами, не меньше) и дроу. Это ни малой частью не важно, но интересно. Идите к платформе (x 1550 y 3300). Поговорите с Солауфейном снова. Он объяснит, что какие-то "пожиратели" взяли в заложники жрицу. Он спрашивает, знаете ли вы, кто они?
Инт 15+ - Вы можете сказать "Иллитид" и понравитесь Солауфейну ещё больше Инт от 9 до 14 - Вы можете сказать "Ловцы Разума" и ничего не случится Инт 8 или меньше - Вы можете сказать "Отиуг" и меньше понравитесь Солауфейну "Я не знаю" - ничего не случится
Вам нужно спасти дроу от Иллитидов до того, как они заберут её в свой город. у вас три дня. - Спасите Фаэрэ (Phaere)от Иллитидов
Так, выходим из города и следуем на юг. Я повстречал группу приключенцев, которые приняли меня за злого (x 3300 y 2225). Один из этих лихих людей имел при себе:
Дыхание Дракона (Алебарда +4, +1 урон льдом, огнём, электричеством, ядом и кислотой)
Дальше на юг, затем пересеките мост и найдите Солауфейна (x 4715 y 3100). Он спрашивает, есть ли у вас вопросы. Если вы извинитесь, то понравитесь ему больше. После этого он скажет вам готовиться к битве. Наколдуйте все защитные заклинания (Защита от зла очень полезно) и получите настоящую битву с несколькими Ловцами Разума, а также 2 Бурыми увальнями. Я выбил сначала ловцов разума, по одному за раз, затем увальней. После битвы Фаэрэ (которую мы только что спасли) некоторым образом поблагодарит нас (20,000 опыта). Не важно, что вы скажете Фаэрэ. Они оба возращаются в город. У вас три дня, чтобы вернуться и поговорить с Солауфейном снова.
Замечание о битве: Заклинание смерти уничтожит ваших врагов здесь. Не рассчитывайте, что это будет работать на ловцах разума, не будет. А здесь работает, потому что эти ловцы разума считаются игрой "призванными".
- Работа на Дом Деспана
Войдите в таверну и найдите Фаэрэ и Солауфейна. Фаэрэ сама заговорит с вами и попросит присоединиться к силам её дома. Ответьте на это утвердительно (скажите "да")... вы можете также намекнуть, что охотнее получили бы её в качестве награды (если вы понимаете, что я имею ввиду), но это будет иметь плохие последствия, если у вас роман с кем-то ещё. Она хочет, чтобы вы встретили её на той же платформе, что и раньше... но не прямо сейчас. Сейчас она хочет, чтобы вы получили удовольствие в таверне сами. (Смотрите квесты ниже, если вам нужно что-то сделать.) Когда она покинет таверну, у вас есть 3 дня, чтобы попасть на платформу.
Придите на Платформу и поговорите с Фаэрэ. Она скажет, что Бехолдер в городе доставляет адамантит контрабандой. Она хочет, чтобы вы пошли туда и убили его. Солауфейн и она разведают его в ближайшее время. Вы найдёте Фаэрэ опять в южной части города (x 4200 y 3340). Поговорите с ней, чтобы провести битву.
Убейте Бехолдера (14,000 опыта), и Солауфейн покажется счастлив от этого. Фаэрэ думает, что тело надо забрать для... другого использования (20,000 опыта). Фаэрэ говорит вам посетить её в таверну в течение 3 дней.
Phaere wants you and Solaufein to attack a Deep Gnome patrol to keep them properly fearful of the Drow. Solaufein naturally hates being sent on such stupid missions, especially given how weak the Gnomes are. You will meet up with Solaufein west of Ust Natha near the gnomish city. (x 890 y 2225)
Talk to Solaufein. If Solaufein likes you, you can convince him to let you handle this on your own. At that point he goes back to the city. (of course, if you have been cheesing him off, then he won't leave) The Gnome Patrol arrives, tell them that you were sent to kill them, and that you won't. Then ask for their helmets as a sign that the deed was done. Head back to the tavern.
Phaere is pleased that you brought her the helmet, and asks that you meet her in her chambers at the Female Fighters guild within ONE HOUR. (everyone gets 28,000 experience) Head over to the Female Fighters (x 2500 y 2050), enter and talk with Phaere. She wants Solaufein dead. Why? Lover's quarrel. She wants you to enter his home in the Male Fighters guild, kill him, and take his Piwafwi Cloak as proof of his death. Agree to her demands. You now have 3 days to get to Solaufein. (x 3500 y 1575)
Talk to Solaufein and tell him that you were sent to kill him, but that you don't want to do it. Then ask him for his Piwafwi Cloak as proof that he is "dead." Solaufein has a little speech, and he likes you more. You can then search his place, but there is nothing good here.
Evil Alternative: (from Cyrille Artho)
When you kill Solaufein, he obviously cannot give you his fake dragon eggs, which you normally use to trick Phaere. However, not everything is lost. When you give the real dragon eggs to Phaere, there are three possible outcomes:
1) You interrupt the ritual (bad idea). Matron Ardulace then casts a spell that reveals the true identity of the party, and you are chased out of the city. It will be rather difficult to recover the eggs and kill all the drows. 2) You let the ritual be completed. a) You prevent Phaere from handing over the eggs to the Demon Lord (good idea). The Demon Lord then attacks everybody. He does not have many hit points but you need a +5 weapon to hit -- which you probably don't have at that point (unless you have a Paladin with the Holy Avenger). A cleric with four Bolts of Glory (10d6 damage to demons) works well enough, since that spell ignores magic resistance (which is 95 or 100% for the Demon Lord). Killing the demon lord gives 26000 exp. Pray that his initial "Wail of the Banshee" does not kill anybody; if it does, *hurry* and don't try to re-equip everything perfectly -- just get your stuff and leave *quickly*! If nobody is killed, you actually even have time to sell Phaere's gems to the drow before they all turn red and try to kill you. Incidentally, "Protection from Evil" will not prevent the Demon Lord from casting his first attack spell, but he will not attack you immediately. Also, I could still get out of the city just after the drow turned hostile -- probably it takes a few seconds until the city gates are locked. b) You let Phaere give the eggs to the demon lord (bad idea). He (being a mean guy) reveals the true identity of the party. Immediately, all drows turn hostile and attack the party. Again, this way is not the best (you will also have to deal with an angry silver dragon then).
Note: If you have recovered the eggs, don't talk to Adalon -- otherwise you can never kill her for her blood (because she'll teleport you away). Instead, attack her right away. This gives you less experience and no crossbow +3, only some gold and a scroll that allows you to proceed to chapter 6 :-(
Personal note: I found it a pity that evil parties cannot let the drow ritual take place as planned - a duel between the silver dragon and the demon lord would have been a grand sight. Also, the story is not very logical in the sense that the drow attack still happens, despite the loss of their leaders (and a few powerful warriors due to duels in the tavern and mysterious murderers) and not having the demon on their side. No surprise, they lose.
/End of the Evil Alternative
Report back to Phaere. (everyone gets 30,000 experience) If you are male then she wants to talk to you alone... for a little nooky. If you refuse her, she will sound the alarm and the entire city turns hostile. Of course, you could try to convince her that you "*really* can't", i.e. are impotent. In order to pull off one of these deceptions you need either 17 INT or 13 CHA (and in some cases 17 CHA).
After that (whether you talked your way out of it, did it, or didn't get offered because you are female) she wants you to meet the Matron Ardulace Despana, who is currently in the Temple. You have 3 days to get there (everything takes 3 days, for some reason). Oh, and if you did sleep with Phaere, then anyone you had a romance with is upset with you.
Head down to the Temple of Lolth (x 4200 y 2350). Enter, and walk forward until you find Phaere, who will automatically talk to you and introduce you to the Matron. The Matron wants you to prove yourself to her, and in order to do that you must bring back the Blood of one of the "noble races", which are Beholders, Mind Flayers or Kuo-Toa's. Oh, and it can't be any of them, it must be something special.
So, depending on what you want to do:
Beholders go to the next section "Beholder City" Mind Flayers go to the section after that "The Illithid Lair" or the easiest Kuo-Toa's "Exit from the Underdark"
If you don't retrieve one of these items in a timely fashion, (three days) then Phaere will track you down (wherever you may be) and tell you that your disguise has failed, thus instigating a battle (and forevermore keeping you out of Ust Natha). So don't waste time.
Come back when you have one of these items and she will take them and reward you with 22,000 experience for each character. Phaere then asks to see you in her rooms, within one hour. (she lives in the Female Fighter's Society, if you have forgotten)
Phaere details her plans to overthrow the Matron Ardulace and set herself up as head of the house. She wants your help in this, so agree to help her get rid of the Matron. House Despana is going to use the Blood you collected along with the Silver Dragon's Eggs to summon a demon. What Phaere wants to do is replace the Eggs with false ones so that Ardulace is destroyed when the demon is summoned. She can then use the real eggs to gain control of the demon. She gives you a key and a set of false eggs marked as "Phaere's". Leave her house.
Return to the Temple as that is where the eggs are kept. If you did well by Solaufein, he will appear near the entrance with a further proposition for you. He wants to give you a second set of false eggs that you can give to Phaere. This way both the Matron and Phaere get killed by the Demon. Agree to his plan and enter the temple.
Brian Camley has an interesting strategy for the temple:
While I was in Ust Natha, and was sent to retrieve and replace the dragon's eggs, I really didn't feel like fighting Drow and Golems, so I saw if SpookyScarecrow's trick for the Golems in the De'Arnise Hold would work in this case - I gave Aerie the Boots of Speed, and had her cast Sanctuary. She got in and out quickly - this works for most encounters with guards of some sort - the exception being, of course, getting the Gesen Bow String - using this strategy will leave your cleric trapped in a room with some angry guardians. Not a good idea.
Once in the temple, take the passage immediately to your right, and take that up to the Egg Room (x 2067 y 780). Kill the 2 guards and enter. There are 5 Golems in here, just waiting to pounce on you once you have taken the eggs. Kill the Golems. Take the Real Eggs and REPLACE THEM with PHAERE'S EGGS. (don't forget to do that!)
Back to Phaere's. Give her Solaufein's Eggs (20,000 experience) and she seems awfully pleased. Well, that won't last. Listen to the Imp when it appears, then get back to the Temple. Phaere is right within the first passage and soon the Ritual of Summoning begins. The Demon kills the two Drow women one by one, then will leave if you remain silent. Be sure to search the two corpses for treasure:
Ring of Spell Turning Gorgon Plate +4 Lots of Gems 4500 gold
Evil Alternative: (from Daniel Pang)
In the Drow City, if you give the Demon lord the real eggs after Phaere and Ardulace are gone you can ask him for a tithe in return. Asking him for a powerful magical item yields the Halberd +4: Blackmist, and asking him for safe exit from the Underdark will get you just that. Ask him for anything else however, and he attacks you.
Now, QUICKLY, leave the Temple and get OUT of the city as fast as is humanly possible. If you delay, you will be trapped in the city forever. (Actually, in that case, you simply have to kill everyone in the city, then you can leave)
Return to Adalon and give her the real eggs. She gives you an Item:
Necaradan's Crossbow +3 78,500 experience (for each character)
And you are then teleported to the Exit from the Underdark. The gate out is just to the left, but you can explore around if you didn't already. (see the "Exit from the Underdark" section for more details)
Trick: On the surface, Drow items are meant to turn to dust. Want to keep that nifty Drow stuff you got? If you have NOT gotten the Harper's Pin for Jaheira, you can give her all of your Drow items, and kick her out of the party. She should go out to the Harper Hold in the Docks District. (If you have done all the Harper quests already, then she just leaves for good) Then when you pick her up again, all the Drow items are still there and can be worn in the daylight! As long as you never take these items to the "Exit from the Underdark" area, you can keep them forever. (Gabriel)
Alternate Trick: (from Chris Norman)
I noticed there was a trick to save the drow items upon leaving the underdark. I liked this idea, but did not want to kick a member out of my party to do it. Also, my main character was in a romance with Jaheira so I didn't know what kicking her out would do. I decided to try to come up with an alternate method of doing this. What I came up with works, but it is somewhat inconvenient to do if you're walking around with full inventories due to having to trade the armor between many people. My trick works because the game only checks the items every round or so and will not decay items on the ground. Here is what you do. (When picking up items, use the inventory screen instead of the overhead display method of picking stuff up)
1. Immediately pause the game when you gain control of the party after leaving the underdark, before the drow equipment decays. Transfer ALL the drow stuff you want to keep on to one person and have that person drop it all into a pile on the ground. You can then unpause it. Adamantine dust will appear in your inventory just like if the items decayed, but they will still be on the ground. Also, opening the bag of holding seems to decay items as well even if paused, so do not put anything you want to keep in there.
2. Next, string your characters to the edge of the map, and have one of them as close as you can get without trying to exit the screen. The trick here is to have the people close enough together that they may pass items still. Keep the character that dropped the items in the same spot so that he can pass them all to the next person.
3. Now, repause the game, and have the character over the stack of items pick them up and pass them down the line of characters until the person near the edge has them. Have that person drop them all in a pile on the ground again. (Since the game is paused here, you are in effect, moving the items to the edge of the map before any time can pass, so they do not decay.)
4. Move your whole party close enough to the edge of the map so that you can leave the area with just a single click and no one will have to walk. Leave the guy on the stack of items again.
5. Pause again, and pick up all the equipment, passing some of it to other people if you need to again. Leave the inventory screen, and click where the party will leave the area. Then unpause, and the party will leave before the items decay.
Note: I had to do this procedure again after the Drizzt meeting. I guess that the program checks for drow items on that screen as well, so you will probably have to do it again as well. After leaving the Drizzt zone, items stuck just fine though, just like with the Jaheira trick.
Also note that normal Drow Longswords don't turn to dust.
Yes, this is a somewhat complex method, but if you don't want to kick out a party member, or have Jaheira's quest completed, this will keep your drow armor intact.
Note: Drow items aren't worth much, so unless you want to wear them, don't bother keeping them.
Quests: -------
QUEST: The Duergar's Tank, the Aboleth
Duergar - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1050 y 3150) Qilue - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 2725 y 1890)
Just after freeing Phaere from the clutches of the Mind Flayers, a Duergar near the entrance will tell you to talk to his "master" who is in a big tank just behind him.
Talk to the Aboleth, the creature in the tank, and he wants an exchange. You get him Qilue's brain and he won't reveal that you are not Drow. Sounds good. You can find Qilue's home right next to the Female Fighter's society. Enter.
Alternatively: When talking to the Aboleth the first time, you can refuse to do his quest. Then when he asks why, simply tell him that if he reveals you, then you will reveal his treachery as well. For this you get 12,000 experience. (from Cyrille Artho)
Once inside, kill everything that moves. Besides Qilue, there are 5 servants (mages mostly) to be killed. You can find most of these to the right. Search Qilue: (4000 exp)
Boneblade Dagger +4 Qilue's Brain
There isn't really anything else here, so return to the Aboleth, who gives you 10,000 experience and promises not to tell anyone who you are.
QUEST: Free the Humans
Slave Trader - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1111 y 1808)
Just north of the tavern is the slave area, where humans are sold to Drow masters. If you've been on the second floor of the Tavern you probably know that slaves don't have much to look forward to in Drow Culture.
After you have talked to Matron Ardulace, talk to the Slave Trader and buy the slaves. We want them armed, so pay him the full price of 2000 gold. He will actually lower the cost to 1500 if you ask him. The slaves will be teleported near you. Tell them that they are now free, and that they should head to the surface. For this you get Reputation +1 and 7500 experience.
QUEST: Defeat the Cultists
Taso Kala - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 2480 y 2100) Cult - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 4200 y 3340)
After accepting the quest from Matron Ardulace, you will find Taso Kala in front of Phaere's doorway. She automatically talks to you and ORDERS you to find and destroy the Cult of Ghaunadaur. Accept this (if you don't want your cover story blown). You will find the "cultists" where the Beholder was earlier, in the southeastern part of the city. You have one day to complete this quest.
This battle consists of Drow, Otyughs and Oozes of all colors. Destroy them. None of them have any significant treasure. Go back to the Priestess to report your success. Be subservient and she'll go away (you weren't expecting a reward were you?).
QUEST: The Trapped Djinn
Dola Fadoon - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1930 y 3180)
Just to the right of the entrance is a djinn being tortured for the fun of it (or whatever). It begs for someone to destroy it. I wouldn't do that until you have talked to Matron Ardulace. Kill it. Then the torturer will demand compensation. She wants 4000 gold as compensation and if you don't have it, you get a day to come up with it. If you have talked to Matron Ardulace, then you can wheedle it down to a mere 2000 gold.
This quest is best done just before you leave the Underdark forever. That way you can kill Dola Fadoon, tell her that you don't have the money, and leave the Underdark before anything bad ever happens to you. For all this you get a measly 5000 exp.
QUEST: Deirex the Lich and Jarlaxle the Mercenary
Visaj - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 3000 y 2275) Deirex's Tower - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 3700 y 2850) House Jae'llat - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 3260 y 1460)
Just after meeting the Matron Ardulace for the first time, Visaj appears on the path just north of Deirex's Tower. He approaches you and wants to sell you a Rope. Not just any rope, but a magic lich-defense negating rope. Useful, no doubt, for breaking into Deirex's Tower and stealing his items. There is the small chance that the famed mercenary Jarlaxle will come looking for it, but how likely is that? Buy the rope for 1000 gold. (If you don't have that much he'll sell it for 750 gold. If your charisma is 15 or higher, you can talk him down to 500, OR you could just threaten him and take the rope from him)
Now head down to Deirex's Tower and enter. Deirex is right there, and although the Rope does seem to do what it was advertised to do, you are soon teleported to Jarlaxle's Pocket Dimension®. There isn't really any way to change how things turn out in here. He tells you that he wants some Gems from Deirex, as his men are imprisoned within them. He gives you a day to accomplish this before teleporting you back to Deirex's Tower.
Fight with Deirex. He is a fairly standard Lich and fights as such. (Time Stop, Abi Dalzim, etc.) By this point Liches shouldn't present too tough a challenge for you. (22,000 experience) Be sure to search his body for the Lich's Tooth and the Jae'llat Wardstone.
Then search the place for treasures: (4 containers, not all in this room, and some are trapped)
Spells - Glitterdust Wizard Eye Deafness Contagion Remove Magic Limited Wish Melf's Minute Meteors Spook Leather Armor of the Viper +5 Jarlaxle's Gems
Take the Gems and you will instantly be teleported back to his little Pocket Dimension. Jarlaxle takes the Gems and thanks you for your efforts. Now you can either accept his thanks (2500 gold and 10,000 experience) or you can attack and kill him and his mage (14,000 experience and 12,000 experience). They don't have any good items for you to take. In any case you will be teleported back to Deirex's Tower.
Go up to the next door (x 3475 y 2730), and enter. Search the lake for treasure:
Gold Gems Spells - Cacofiend Ruby Ray of Reversal Spear +3 Wand of Frost & Wand of Magic Missiles Two Handed Sword +2 Crossbow of Affliction +4 (-2 STR, +4 DMG & THAC0) Short Sword +2 Ring of Folly (cursed)
That's it for the Lich's treasure (the other door on the outside leads in here). Leave the tower, go up and right to reach the House Jae'llat (it's marked on the map). The Wardstone will allow you entrance. (x 3260 y 1460)
This is, of course, a fairly large battle against many Drow warriors and priestesses. It just wouldn't be a Drow House without those elements. Each Jae'llat Guard is worth 6000 experience. This is the first battle, there is another one when you go over to the right. This battle has Hindra Jae'llat in it (14,000 experience) as well as Istar Jae'llat (16,000 experience). Then search the place for treasure:
2500 Gold And a LOT of Gems (about 50)
If you are wondering about the other warded door out there, it also leads into the Jae'llat house.
OTHER: The Running Girl
Near the female fighter's society you will see a human girl running for her life. Later a couple of drow warriors ask you which way she went. You can lie or tell the truth, I've seen no real consequences of it.
OTHER: The Tavern Duels
Tavern - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1835 y 2550) Sondal - Tavern (AR 2202, x 580 y 1133)
On the main level of the tavern, to the left near the stairs, you will find Sondal, the Duel master. Agree to watch the first duel. One Drow easily defeats four others, comes out and asks for your opinion on the matter. Tell him that he shouldn't gloat over children and he challenges you to a duel. Accept.
Note: If you lose any duel, you will be permanently barred from dueling. Also, all the duels here are One-on-One (unlike the Monster battles).
When Lasonar is close to being defeated (30,000 experience) he yields the fight and gives you his sword.
Blade of Searing +3 (Bastard Sword, with extra "searing" dmg)
After the battle, Chalinthra challenges you to a duel. (She was involved with Lasonar, and found insult in you beating him) When you are ready, talk to Sondal again to get the duel going. Chalinthra is a Cleric of no small ability. However, she dies just the same. (12,000 experience)
The next fight is against a Mage, and requires a Mage from your party to duel him. So send a mage over and let the battle begin! (6000 experience) The next battle is also a mage battle, but this one is slightly more difficult (8000 experience). After that there is one final mage (11,000 experience). I won these battles by summoning a Nishruu and using the Cloak of Mirroring.
OTHER: The Tavern Monster Battles
Tavern - Ust Natha (AR 2200, x 1835 y 2550) Szordrin - Tavern (AR 2202, x 1450 y 840)
On the main level of the Tavern is a man standing to the right, Szordrin. Talk to him if you want to duel some animals. He has several combats, which must be done in order: (return to him after the battle to get a reward and another battle)
Umber Hulk - 4000 exp, 250 gold (from Szordrin) Nabassu - 16,000 exp, 500 gold (from Szordrin) Sahuagin Prince - 2000 exp, 750 gold (from Szordrin) Beholder - 14,000 exp, 1000 gold (from Szorddrin)
He then claims that he will go to the pens to find more challenges for you to fight, but he never returned (for me at least).
5.2 > > > > Beholder City (AR 2101)
Walkthrough: ------------
You will find the entrance to the Beholder City in the Southeast part of the Underdark (x 4120 y 3700). It is the passage that leads down. (The other one goes to the Illithid Lair)
We are here to find a Beholder Eye Stalk, and conveniently enough, we can find it on one of the first Beholders here. Kill the Elder Orb to find:
Elder Orb Eye Blade of the Equalizer Amulet of Spell Warding
Once you have the Eye, you can head back to Ust Natha and give it to the Matron Mother. Or you can finish exploring in here and kill a LOT of Beholders. If you have either the Shield of Balduran (from the Collector's Edition bonus shop) or the Cloak of Mirroring (from the Sahuagin City), then this place is a breeze. Put those items on your two best fighters, and only send them out. The Beholders won't be able to touch you. Elder Orbs can still cast Imprisonment on you, so you are NOT invulnerable. This just means that you should attack Elder Orbs first.
Go up and right to find Drow battling a Beholder. Explore the place at your leisure. There are many Beholders, Gauths and a few Mind Flayers.
Just above and to the left of the Drow (x 790 y 605) is a small nook of treasure: (all treasures here are hidden in "nooks")
Minor Treasures
Just to the right of the Drow (x 1213 y 770) is another nook o' treasure:
Sling of Avoreen +4 (casts Sonic Boom once a day) Minor Treasure
Along the path to the top of the map (x 2500 y 580) is some treasure:
Greenstone Amulet (can protect user from Charm, Stun and Psionics, useful against Mind Flayers, no doubt) Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
There is treasure at the top of the map (x 2130 y 175):
5200 gold Gems
Just left of that one is another treasure (x 1815 y 195):
Minor Treasures
Well south of that (x 2450 y 1080) in a passage to the left is a larger thing of treasure (it's not a nook, I mean):
Minor Treasures
That is that for the Beholder City. Once you have killed all the Beholders, you can take your leave and know that you have done good work here.
5.3 > > > > The Illithid Lair (AR 2400)
Walkthrough: ------------
Note: You WILL want to make an Archive Save before going in here! So, do a normal save, and call it "Illithid Lair", and don't save over it until the entire lair is finished. That way, if you screw up, you can easily go back to the beginning.
The most difficult, and potentially rewarding, of the three lairs is the Illithid Lair, which you can get to via the Underdark. It is located in the Southeast corner of the map, and you go right (x 5070 y 3400).
Once you have entered, you will be quickly captured by a group of Mind Flayers who then enslave you.
You wake up in a very small cell. Despite being slaves now, you still have all of your items. After all, Illithids don't really fear physical attacks.
A minute or so later, an Ogre will open your door and tell you that it is time for you to fight. Remember the Gladiators back in the Copper Coronet? Same idea, except now YOU are the gladiators. Soon enough you are thrown into a pit to fight 3 Umber Hulks. Beat them and you will be put back in your cell. When you are back, you will be given Healing Potions.
Open the side door and talk to the Gith, Simyaz, inside. These Gith were here to recover the Silver Blade (which you now possess, assuming you went with Saemon) and ended out here instead. He offers no solutions. Soon the Ogre comes again and this time takes the Gith out to fight.
Soon the Gith return and tell you that they are to fight you in the next battle. However, they have a better idea. They will keep the Mind Flayers busy, while you try to find an escape from the Lair. You will soon be taken into the battle. Defeat the Kuo-Toa's and then escape out to the right while the Githyanki keep the Mind Flayers busy.
Kill the Ogre Jailor here (10,000 exp). Then search the table:
Hilt of the Equalizer (which means that you probably have all 3 pieces)
Go right into the next half of the room. There are four doors here. Open the bottom one first (x 3390 y 1760). Kill the 2 Kuo-Toa's here. Then open the top right door (x 3270 y 1515) next to kill a couple of Sahuagins. Next open the right door (x 3380 y 1620) and follow this passage right. Kill the Mind Flayer here. Then go to one of the Vats, and manipulate it until you get the Goo.
Go back to the Ogre Jailer room, and open the southern door (x 3050 y 1960). Go down this passage, fight the 2 Mind Flayers, and then go right into a weird slave-control room. Find one of the smaller machines and pour the goo into it (via clicking it twice). This frees the slaves from their stasis. They tell you of a way to make Control Collars, as well as ask you to find them a way out.
Go up to the big machine in the room and Use it to make Collars. Keep using it until it no longer works. You will get 4 Collars. Equip these in your Quick Item slot to use them. Then when you find a Mind Flayer, use the item on him to control him permanently. (Control ends when you open a door with him)
Note: How to get extra Mind Flayers (to open doors for you). There is a room where you get the "Goo" which frees the slaves. In this room a lone Mind Flayer will spawn once every minute or so (if one is there, a new one won't spawn). There are at least two doors that require a mind flayer to open and for both doors I just went back to this room, controlled the mind flayer with one of the collars and marched him over to the door. I didn't have to turn into the Slayer once throughout the game (after the first time which you don't control). (from Rakhiir)
Return to the right portion of the jail, and open the northern door (x 3050 y 1450). Go through the passage and into the room. Search the grate on the northern wall to find:
Methild's Harp (Bards can dispel Hold Person effects, 3x day)
Now try to open the door to the right and you get a strange message. Only a great mind or a creature with godlike strength can open this door. Which means either you go capture a Mind Flayer with the collars... or you turn into the Slayer and force the door open. Turn into the Slayer (unless you managed to keep a Mind Flayer alive), lose the 2 reputation points, and go through the LEFT door. Once you are in the next room, go up through the north door until you reach the Brine Room.
The Githyanki will now be freed and will come out to congratulate you. Oh, and they aren't going to help you get out of here. (everyone gets 25,000 experience)
Once in the Brine Room, try to capture some Mind Flayers (don't use all your collars). Click on the 8 vats to create 8 Brine Potions, which can be used to protect your party from Psionic Attacks. Give these potions ONLY to front line fighters, and use them ONLY when you are near Mind Flayers, they have a very short effectiveness.
Go back to the previous room and open the lower left door (opening these doors requires only that you have a Mind Flayer in the party, x 1690 y 1235). Have only your best fighters proceed, each having taken a swig of the Brine Potion. (or using the Greenstone Amulet from the Beholder City) Continue left to find a large group of Illithid and Umber Hulks.
From this room there are 3 doors, one to the north, one to the south and a secret door to the northeast. Since we are being thorough, take the south door first. This leads to a room with three bizarre Pod-like things in it. Open each of them to reveal an enemy.
Kuo-Toa Priest - 2000 exp, Magic Bolts, etc. Insane Dwarf - 1750 exp, Ring of Fire Control (50% fire res., spells) Umber Hulk - 4000 exp
Back to the other room. Now open the Secret Door (x 1140 y 1300). Go up this way to find 3 Mind Flayers and several Umber Hulks. Once they are dead, search the table to find:
Staff of Command +2 (casts Domination once)
Back to the other room. That leaves only the northern door to go through. (x 950 y 1280) I'm not sure why, but I had to turn into the Slayer to open this door. What then was the point of taking control of several Mind Flayers? If you have a Mind Flayer in your party, you can then Lockpick the door as normal. Anyway go through there to find the Big Evil Illithid Brain. Kill that first (40,000 experience), then concentrate on the other Illithids in there, then the Umber Hulks and finally the Brain Golems. When the Brain dies you automatically gain some of its blood to give to Matron Ardulace.
Head back and then right to (x 3730 y 1100) to find the slaves who are now escaping. They thank you (45,000 experience and a Reputation +1) and leave. You should do the same.
You will find the Githyanki outside in the Underdark under the Tent. If you have the Silver Blade on you, then they want it back and are prepared to fight and die to get it.
5.4 > > > > Exit from the Underdark (AR 2402)
Walkthrough: ------------
- KUO-TOA DUNGEON (for the Kuo-Toa blood for Matron Ardulace)
This one is by far the hardest to spot. From the Underdark head west. Go to just south of the Svirfneblin bridge. Then continue west into the darkness. You will find that you can travel at (x 150 y 1840). It's not marked on the map, and if you didn't know it was there, you might go right by it.
If you did the Silver Dragon Quest, then you will appear at the END of this particular level. In that case you may want to backtrack to find all the spiffy items.
Anyway, go right. There are many strange symbols drawn on the ground. The spiral indicates "danger". Go up the northern "spiraly" path to find some beholders. (well one Beholder and 2 Gauth) These things are easily killed by anyone with the proper Cloak of Mirroring (or Shield of Balduran). Go back.
Now go up the northeastern passage (x 1230 y 1315). There are a group of Kuo-toans here, including some wizards. Finish them off. Then search the nearby pool to get some Tainted Tadpoles. Go back.
This time we go right. The path will split, one portion going north and another continuing right. We want to keep going right, however, the way is dangerous as a Flame Strike will hit you. Cross over and open the big door (x 2800 y 1670).
Within is an empty room with several statues. At the top of the room is a gigantic statue of a Demogorgon. It asks you to put a sacrifice in front of it to "awaken the five." This is best done by casting "Animal Summoning" or a similar spell, and putting the animal in front of the statue. The animals dies, and the five demon knights appear.
Each of the Demon Knights is tough, does level drain and has some odd spell casting abilities (such as Horror). Kill them.
16,000 experience each Two Handed Swords +1 Soul Reaver: Two handed Sword +4 (not usable by Good) Girdle of Frost Giant Strength (21 STR, part of the Crom Faeyr) Armor of the Hart: Full Plate +3
Go back to the passage, and take the northern path.
Just a little ways up the passage you will run into another large group of Kuo-Toa's. Take these goons out.
Continue northeast into a small round room. It may have Kuo-Toa's in it, or they may be in its two side rooms. In the right room you will find the Kuo-Toa Prince. Kill him.
Kuo-Toa Prince - 4000 experience Blood Gems Gold Bracers of Blinding Strike (casts improved Haste)
Oh, and if you want to, you can put the Tainted Tadpoles in the pools in the right room. (If this is done before the battle, it weakens the Prince)
Now if you did the quest for Matron Ardulace, go back the way you came. However, if you need to, you can leave the Underdark completely to the left. I wouldn't recommend that, but if you have to, why not. (Your disguise WILL fail if you attempt to leave, and then you can never return to Ust Natha)
If you were merely teleported here by Adalon, then fight through the Drow guards (some have good EXP, but none have good items) to exit the area through the gates to the left.
This next series of passages leads to the surface. You will first encounter a large Drow war party that needs to be taken out. Go up to the next room to find Drow warring with surface Elves. They tell you to get to the surface and talk to Captain Elhan. There is another battle through the northwest doors.
Open the southwest doors (x 800 y 520) and go through. There is yet another battle with Drow here. Continue through. Open the last door and exit to the surface.