Холмы Виндспир, BGII: различия между версиями

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Строка 23: Строка 23:
=== Найти дочь (сына) Гаррена ===
=== Найти дочь (сына) Гаррена ===
[[Изображение:Ar1201.jpg|right|thumb|350px|Первый уровень подземелья в Холмах Виндспир.]]
[[Изображение:Ar1201.jpg|right|thumb|350px|Первый уровень подземелья в Холмах Виндспир.]]
====На карте====
# Вход
# Рух
# Пруд и туманы-вампиры
# Яма
Ну вот, теперь надо найти дочь (сына) Гаррена. Выйдите из домика и идите вправо-вверх, в угол карты (цифра 4 на карте) - там находится впечатляющих размеров храм Фиркраага, мимо не пройдете (x 4300 y 500).
Ну вот, теперь надо найти дочь (сына) Гаррена. Выйдите из домика и идите вправо-вверх, в угол карты (цифра 4 на карте) - там находится впечатляющих размеров храм Фиркраага, мимо не пройдете (x 4300 y 500).
Строка 39: Строка 45:
===Отразить атаки наемников Фиркраага (AR 1202) ===
===Отразить атаки наемников Фиркраага (AR 1202) ===
====На карте====
# Вход и орки-лучники
# Тролль-кухарка
# [[Отиуг]] и ключ от часовни
# Самия
# Гробница короля Строма IV
# Жилище оборотней
# Пещера големов
# Тазок и клетка, где держат ребенка Гаррена
# Вход к Фиркраагу
[[Изображение:Ar1202.jpg|right|thumb|350px|Второй уровень подземелья в Холмах Виндспир.]]
[[Изображение:Ar1202.jpg|right|thumb|350px|Второй уровень подземелья в Холмах Виндспир.]]

Версия 02:14, 19 февраля 2009

Холмы Виндспир

Код локации: AR 1200

На карте

  1. Вход на локацию
  2. Дом Гаррена Виндспира
  3. Королева дриад
  4. Заброшенный храм. Вход в подземелье
  5. Оборотни
Холмы Виндспир


Не можете попасть в Холмы Виндспир? Сначала пройдите через Городские ворота.

Возможные соратники



Задание лорда Джиердана

Если вы пришли сюда, это значит, что вы решили выполнить задание лорда Джиердана Фиркраага (на этой локации завершается еще один квест - здесь можно отдать желуди дриад их королеве). Как только вы войдете на локацию, то сразу же увидите огров, для убийства которых вас и наняли. Хотя начинается разговор, драки все равно не избежать. Когда вы убиваете последнего, их тела превращаются в тела Рыцарей, а к вам подходит Гаррен Виндспир. Оказывается, вас обманом заставили убить этих рыцарей (они казались вам монстрами, впрочем, вы им тоже). Если у вас в группе есть Келдорн, он узнает в одном из убитых Аджантиса. Мда, не очень хорошо, вы только что убили Аджантиса. Гаррен предлагает свою помощь.

Следуйте за ним в его дом. Он соглашается рассказать вашу историю в Ордене Сияющего сердца, чтобы они не приняли вас за обычного злодея, который убил их рыцарей. Он уходит, а вы проводите время в разговорах с его дочерью (или сыном, зависит от пола вашего персонажа). Затем автоматически следует отдых. Вскоре ваш покой нарушает халфлинг, он предупреждает о приближении бандитов. Бандиты врываются в домик, похищают дочь (сына) Гаррена и атакуют. Как только вы с ними разберетесь, вернется Гаррен и попросит вас спасти его ребенка.

Найти дочь (сына) Гаррена

Первый уровень подземелья в Холмах Виндспир.

На карте

  1. Вход
  2. Рух
  3. Пруд и туманы-вампиры
  4. Яма

Ну вот, теперь надо найти дочь (сына) Гаррена. Выйдите из домика и идите вправо-вверх, в угол карты (цифра 4 на карте) - там находится впечатляющих размеров храм Фиркраага, мимо не пройдете (x 4300 y 500).

Сразу при входе на вас нападут хобгоблины. Бейте шамана, он тогда снова станет нейтральным и сбежит. Сразу за ними - другая группа хобгоблинов. После того, как разберетесь с этими, идите налево и вверх. Там много кобольдов - их лучше убивать стрелами на расстоянии, так как они взрываются на манер огненных шаров. Затем убейте их предводителя, Руха.

Рух (Rukh) - 7000 опыта
Кольцо сопротивления огню

Чуть дальше влево находится яма, которую охраняют огриллоны (возможно, не все время). А за огриллонами - маленькая пещера, в которой находятся туманы-вампиры (1000 опыта) и багровая смерть (9000 опыта). В пруду (x 800 y 1600) есть кое-что полезное:

Амулет защиты +1
Драгоценные камни

Вернитесь обратно туда, где был Рух, откройте дверь и пройдите через нее.

Отразить атаки наемников Фиркраага (AR 1202)

На карте

  1. Вход и орки-лучники
  2. Тролль-кухарка
  3. Отиуг и ключ от часовни
  4. Самия
  5. Гробница короля Строма IV
  6. Жилище оборотней
  7. Пещера големов
  8. Тазок и клетка, где держат ребенка Гаррена
  9. Вход к Фиркраагу
Второй уровень подземелья в Холмах Виндспир.
     Well you will find yourself in the middle of a room, with Orc Archers
     shooting at you from behind the walls.  There are secret doors on each
     of the walls that can be opened to even the odds somewhat.  You could go
     up these side passages, but I wouldn't recommend it.  Open the main
     door (x 1860 y 2180) and go through that into a room.  There is another
     door past this.  Open it and go through.
     Now, depending on what level you are on, there are monsters here.  If
     you are on a high level you will face an Adamantite Golem, otherwise
     you face only a couple Stone Golems.  If you are fighting an Adamantite
     Golem, remember that it can't fit through those doors.  Thusly you can
     hit and fade all you want.
     Go down the right passage, open the door and go in.  Here we find the
     Troll Cook, who naturally wants to eat you.  If you object to being eaten
     he has his goons try to kill you.  Search the broken table to find some
     magical missiles (by which I mean arrows and bolts) and the Orcish
     Cookbook.  This merely offers advice as to what types of monsters you
     will face here. (you don't need it)  The next room has an Otyugh, but
     nothing else.  Back to the passage, now we take the left door. (x 2050
     y 1680)
     Here you find a couple of really scared Orcs.  They don't want you to
     kill them, yet they obviously fear Firkraag more.  Kill them if you wish.
     Now open the main door (x 2360 y 1820).  There is another group of Orcs
     in here.  Kill them and open the next door.
     To the right is a horde of vampires (sometimes it's mummies), most are
     worth 8500, but one is worth 12,500 experience.  There is one trapped
     chest in here with treasure.  Follow the passage right to another room.
     Within is a Greater Wraith (8000 exp).  Search the floor to find a
     container with a Key and some bullets. (x 3140 y 2630)
     Go back to the main passage and take the left door this time (x 2600
     y 1400).  Samia will talk to you here (see Quests below), but she isn't
     crucial to what we are doing. (most of the doors here don't go anywhere,
     and are trapped to boot, which means you can get some easy experience
     off of them!)  I would do the Samia quest, however, as there is good
     treasure to be had.
     Open the south door (x 2450 y 1400) and go through.  Within this passage
     are several Wolfweres, which requires magical weapons to hit.  Open the
     next door and enter the Well.
     Click the winch twice (x 1250 y 1230) to raise the bucket in the well to
     get yourself an item.  This also raises an Air Elemental.
       Dragon Helm (sets Electrical, Fire and Ice resistances to 25%)
     Go through the southern door.  There is a big hole in the wall here, go
     up it.  Some monsters will be fighting it out here, join the battle and
     kill them all. (better experience that way)  There is a secret door here
     (x 500 y 1050) along the north wall.  In this room there are several
     Golems (including an Adamantite Golem) to be dispatched.  Go back out and
     hold them in here if you need to.  At the end of the room (x 800 y 450)
     is a thing of treasure:
       Heartseeker +3 Composite Long Bow
     Go back to the previous room, and from there back to the passage and
     then through the southern door.  Here are some "adventurers" (actually
     they are monsters disguised as adventurers, don't be fooled).  They
     turn into Greater Wolfwere's (15,000 exp).  There are some treasures in
     this room.
     Open the next door and fight off these wolfweres as well.  The final
     room is a bit of an office and has some interesting treasures:
       Spells - Hold Undead (Mage)
                Hold Monster (Mage)
       Horn of Blasting
       Arrows (etc.)

Найти Фиркраага

     Go back to the well, and go north.  There will be Orogs up here and a
     small room on the right.  Open the next door (locked).  This little
     staircase here is trapped.
     Within the next room you will find Chief DigDag (2000 exp, Delver's
     Plate +2) and your old buddy from Baldur's Gate, Tazok (6000 exp, Full
     Plate +1) as well as some goons.  Tazok also has the mysterious Sewer
     Key, which although is pointless now, has a great use back in the
     Athkatla Sewers (see that section for details).  Be sure to check this
     room for treasures, there are a lot of good gems and some good spells.
     You will find Garren's child in the right cell here (x 2380 y 700).
     However, she is locked in and cannot be freed by conventional methods.
     Find the stairs down.
     This is Firkraag's lair.  Move forward and all becomes apparent.
     Firkraag is a Dragon.  A red Dragon to be more specific.  He talks to you
     and spills his entire diabolical scheme to you.  Your duty is to Garren's
     child, so don't force a confrontation just yet.  He sends his mage,
     Conster up to the previous level.  You must go up and battle Conster to
     save her (him).  Kill Conster, take the key and free the child. (23,750
       Evil Note:  If you are one of the three Evil alignments you can offer
                   to swipe the Deed off of Garren in exchange for treasure.
                   Conster immediately kills the child of Garren, and you are
                   sent to Garren.  Steal or kill Garren to get the Deed.
                   Return to Firkraag to get your reward. (40,500 exp, Cloak
                   of the Shield)  This has no effect on reputation, however,
                   some party members will leave when you accept this quest.
                   (from Nick McIsaac)
     Go back to Garren's Cabin and talk to Garren.  If you are a Paladin he
     says that he will put in a good word for you at the Order of the Radiant
     Heart. (everyone gets 44,500 experience)

Убить дракона

     If your main character is a Paladin then your paths will cross with this
     Dragon again (as part of the Paladin Stronghold, see that section at the
     end of the walkthrough).  Or even if you aren't a Paladin, and simply
     want to try your luck killing a dragon, you can.
       Note:  If you ARE a Paladin, don't kill Firkraag until your stronghold
              asks you to.  If you kill him before reaching the Stronghold
              they won't give you experience for killing him. (David Lyons)
     In any case, when you go back to Firkraag's Lair, he doesn't attack you.
     He still has the Cyan Circle, meaning that you can talk to him.  Which
     means that you can easily use the "fake talk" strategy (see Attack
     Strategies above) to kill him.
       Firkraag - 64,000 exp
                  Red Dragon Scales
                  Holy Avenger +5
                  Cloak of the Shield
                  1500 gold



Дополнительные квесты

Передать желуди дриад их Волшебной королеве

           Fairy Queen - Windspear Hills (AR 1200, x 4050 y 3050)
           This is the finale of the first Quest we got, waaay back in
           Irenicus' dungeon.  Simply go right from Garren's house and you
           will find the Fairy Queen.  She automatically talks to you, give
           her the acorns and you get 32,500 experience.  You get another
           9750 experience when the Dryads arrive.  They thank you and leave.

Самия и гробница короля Строма III

           Samia - Firkraag's Dungeon (AR 1202, x 2500 y 1300)
           You meet Samia deep within Firkraag's dungeon.  She claims to be
           searching for information on the old King Strohm III.  You can
           agree to help her if you wish, or you can be suspicious and
           accuse her of being more than she seems.  (After taking the Quest,
           if you talk to her again and say that you want all the treasure for
           yourself, she and a group of ruffians will attack you.)
           Anyway, on to the Tomb.  Open the first door (x 2600 y 1300).  Open
           the first door on your left, enter this room, and open the next
           door on the left to find the First Guardian (x 2500 y 900).  Talk
           to, then kill the Guardian to get the first piece of the Burial
           Mask.  Go back to the previous room (you can find a book and some
           scrolls here), and open the top door (x 2733 y 900).
             Tip:  Use the Mage spell 'Protection from Fire' on someone in
                   your party and have them go in alone.  Without their fire
                   damaging you, you can easily beat them. (Rolander)
           In the room opposite of this door is a Beholder-like creature
           called the "Director".  Kill it, but don't go through the other
           door yet.  Go back into the hall, and down.  There are four rooms
           on this hall, each has a "Guardian" in it, and each of these has
           another piece of the mask.  Then go back to the Director's room
           and open the next door.  Then open the left door to find the last
           of the Guardians.  Kill it and take the last of the pieces of the
           burial mask.  It will then fuse together into the completed
           product. (24,550 exp)
           Equip the Mask on someone and open the next door.  An invisible
           Fire Elemental is in here, and you can only see it (and attack it)
           if someone is wearing the mask.  Kill it to get 10,000 experience.
             Note:  Keldorn's 'True Sight' ability has the power to reveal
                    this invisible elemental. (Rolander)
           Open the last door and enter.  This is the all that remains of
           King Strohm III.  As you can see there's nothing here.  However,
           you can search the other end of the room to get some good Dragon
           hunting treasure:
             Dragonslayer Sword (immunity to fear, regenerate, 2xdmg to Drgns)
             Dragon Scale Shield (resistances to fire, ice, electricity)
           Of course, if you didn't deal with Samia before, she now will bring
           her merry little band to you and attack.  Kill her and her goons.
           (6000-9000 exp each):
             Plate Mail +1
             Studded Leather +2
             Other minor treasures
           Tetrazome has an interesting way of dealing with this:
             If you didn't deal with Samia before, and you grab the two pieces
             of treasure, she and her goons appear to attack you. Before you
             pick up the treasure, first put everyone in your party into the
             room where it is (so none are in the room where Samia appears).
             Then take your mage, and have him cast skull trap 3 times into
             the middle of the room where they appear, then grab the treasure.
             They'll appear and instantly die.
           You may wonder what you can do with the Burial Mask.  Well, Henning
           Roes discovered that not only can thieves and other non-helmet
           wearing classes wear the Mask, but it seems to protect against
           Critical Hits!


           There are several Ankhegs in the hills area. Kill them to get their
           shells which can be turned into an armor by Cromwell the Dwarf
           (at the Docks).  It's not a very good armor, but it's better than
           Plate Mail.  Although Plate Mail + Ring of Protection is better
           than Ankheg Mail.


Werewolves - Windspear Hills (AR 1200, x 2020 y 1080)

You will find a group of "fighters" fighting another group of Gnolls. They bicker about things for awhile, then turn into werewolves and attack you.

