Иячту Звим
Иячту Звим (Iyachtu Xvim), известный также как Божественный сын (Godson) - полудемонический сын Бэйна, на какое-то время ставший законно-злым малым божеством страха, ненависти, раздора и тирании. Иячту Звим был уничтожен Бэйном в 1372 ЛД, когда последний использовал тело Звима, чтобы восстать из мертвых. Бэйн также захватил сферу влияния Звима.
Иячту мало вступал во взаимоотношения с другими богами, но его связь с Легионом химеры заставила его связаться и с церковью своего отца, Бэйна. В то время Бэйн был еще жив, а у Звима было мало божественной силы.
В 710 ЛД Иячту Звим прошел через портал, появившийся над городом Вестгейт и, при поддержке большой армии воинов-тифлингов и демонов, захватил трон Вестгейта. Тирании Звима был положен конец в 734г. ЛД законным наследником трона Фарнатом Илистаром (Farnath Ilistar).
В течение Смутного Времени тогдашний полубог Звим был заключен в подземельях Крепости Зентил. During the Time of Troubles, the then-demigod Xvim was imprisoned within the depths of Zhentil Keep. Shortly after his father's demise and the end of the Time of Troubles, Iyachtu Xvim was able to make contact with several former banite priests who had fled underground following the events of the Banedeath of 1361 DR. After a few years of deliberation, the banites decide to recognize Xvim as the rightful heir to Bane and tapping into thier faith, he began working to free himself from his prison.[8]
In Ches 1369 DR, with the aid of his new acolytes, Xvim breaks free of his prison beneath the ruins of Zhentil Keep and is granted his father's portfolios of Hatred, Strife, and Tyranny, elevating him to the status of a Lesser deity.[9][10]
For little over a decade, Xvim reigned as a minor god, a feeble successor to his fearsome sire. During his existence, Xvim was petty, power-hungry, and ruthless, in some ways like his father. However, he was not nearly as strong, especially in comparison with the other "new" deity in the Faerûnian pantheon, Cyric.[citation needed]
On Midwinter night of 1372 DR, the young god was consumed by a blazing green fire, from which emerged a resurrected Bane.[1] Nearly all former clerics of Xvim (who in turn shifted to his allegiance after the death of his father) re-pledged themselves to the Church of Bane.[11] Xvim is now considered a dead god, and for as long as his father holds on to divinity, he will probably remain as such.