Роман с Аэри

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Версия от 23:07, 5 января 2011; Mirror (обсуждение | вклад) (Romance FAQ by SlashR4 Ver 2.0)
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3.1  Aerie
Profile:  	Arial elf. (She used to have wings until she got had them 
chopped off cause they were gangrenous since she was kept in 
a cage all the time.) 

She's a cleric/mage dual class making her a useful ally 
although her lack of intelligence means that 	she cannot 
memorize or learn level 9 spells.

Well, from a male (yup, that's what I am) point of view, 
Aerie is perhaps the least pretty out of the 	three 
choices.  (Okay, okay, its just my personal opinion okay?  
Don't send abusive emails over to 	me cause at school I'll 
get nailed if it's rude!)  Besides that she has a sweet 
little voice and her 	personality is quite nice (being 
lawful good alignment) and she's always trying to save 
people from 	getting killed by the party (instances 
like Embarl the thief and the Svirflbeln gnomes).  However, 
she's not always a happy lass, as you will soon find out 
when you play out her romance.

Diff:	She's definitely not hard to get!  She is easily the 
beginner's choice or rather, for the love master 

Party:	My party consisted of Minsc, Yoshimo, big me, Aerie 
(naturally) Edwin, Jaheira.
I have not got any of the other potential love interests in 
my party and I suggest that you do not either when you 
embark on the love quest because there may be some 
unexpected dialogues.
Hints:	As with all love quests I believe that the main character's 
alignment and certainly the reputation score has some 
influence on the outcome and the reaction of the NPCs.  Thus 
when courting Aerie I would suggest having a high reputation 
so that she is happy with your party.  Moreover, I believe 
(and this is only a hunch by the way, so if anybody could 
prove otherwise I would be grateful) is that with Aerie, 
there are two possible paths you can follow.  One of them 
will result in Aerie asking you to 'sleep' with her in which 
case you must say NO!!  Yes, say NO!!!  It is very important 
that you say no, otherwise she will break the relationship 
off saying that it has advanced too quickly.

The other path is just pure talking so you just have to find 
the right answers.  This is where the hints come into play! 
(Yay hay! Straight to the point at last).  In choosing the 
right answers it is imperative that you pick lines, which 
encourage more conversations with her.  You must make her 
open up to you and in order to do that you will have to ask 
her questions about herself.  When she 	has problems (she 
really only has one problem but makes it into such a big 
problem you sometimes 	think that she might just commit 
suicide or something) you will have to be understanding and 
sensitive.  About halfway through into the love dialogues, 
there will come a moment when she 	completely loses it 
totally and just says that she cannot hack it with the party 
anymore, or words to 	that effect.  Do not be tricked in 
doing the super sensitive thing by choosing the option that 
apologizes to her for not being able to take care of her or 
whatever and send her packing home.  	She will leave the 
party and the romance will finish right there.  Instead 
choose the other option to 	teach her how to meet life 
with hope even though her wings are lost  
Another very important thing with Aerie is that during the 
Ust Natha quests you cannot sleep with Phaere.  If you do so 
then you will lose Aerie for life!!!  Instead choose the 
option that says 'no...I can't.  Then when she asks you what 
you mean by that then say that, 'I can't...*I can't*' When you 
say this then she will ask you if you are an eunuch.  
Otherwise known as impotent, then you just say yes.  Aerie 
will be relieved when you step out of Phaere's chambers.  I 
think that's about all the important aspects of Aerie's love 

Steps:	For the sake of making life easier for me I have simplified 
love dialogues into LD.  So all you have to do is follow the 
sequence from LD 1 to LD whatever.  This will take you 
through the romance!

LD1:	'My wings have been clipped...oh, I wish you could understand 
how it feels to be bound and chained to the ground, like a 
miserable prisoner of earth'

		Choose option 1

LD2:		'Have...have you ever heard of my people?  The Avariel?
		Choose option 1

'My memory is dim, but whenever the thought crosses my mind, 
my eyes still blur with tears'

		Choose option 1

LD3:	'He used to say that a frown would never get anything useful 
done.  I think everyone could use some cheering up...what 
about you (character name)?

		Choose option 4

LD4:	I...I have been looking at the scars...on my back.  The stumps 
that were...that were once my wings.  They do not make me 
truly homely do they?  Am I...am I ugly to you?

You can choose either option 1 or 3.  Either will have more 
or less the same effect.

I've felt like a great part of me has been missing ever 
since.  I am incomplete...I do not feel beautiful, (character 
name).  Not anymore.

Either option 1 or 2 will suffice although I believe 2 to be 
the better answer.

LD5:		'Have I told you how I was captured and enslaved?

		Choose Option 1

'I...I...I suppose...I suppose I was glad to learn that the child 
escaped after all  He ran away after my fall.  Hopefully he 

		Choose Option 1

LD6:		I miss my Uncle Quayle dearly

		Choose option 1

'I was happy...of a sort...while I was with him.  I owe him so 

		Choose Option 1

'Baevern brought me my faith back.  He gave me peace when I 
needed it most.  And I shall always pay him homage in my 
heart.  Is that so strange (character name)?'

		Either option 1 or 2, but I think 1 is better.

LD7:	'Have you traveled much?  I have been over much of Amn and 
Tethyr...with the circus although it was not always the most 
pleasant way to voyage'

		Choose option 1 or 2.  I believe 2 is better though.

'And...and I am glad to be traveling with you (character 
name).  You have saved my life and made me feel very 

		Either option 1 or 2 will do but I believe 2 is better here.


Well it is pretty straight forward.  There is only one 
option after all!!

'I...(gasp)...I was having a dream.  A most dreadful nightmare!  
Please...please sit with me but for a short while...I am shaken 
to the very core...'

		Choose option 1!!

(shudder)  I screamed and screamed!!  They...hacked off...my 
wings and then used torches to seal my wounds.  Oh, (char 
name)...! (sob!) Oh, (char name) I...I...!

		I believe option 2 is the best but 1 will also suffice.

LD9:	'I have been thinking...I shall never fly again, never taste 
the freedom of my wings.  I am sure of it...I...I don't know if 
I can face this wretched existence on the ground.'

		Choose option 1

'But it IS!  It is (char name)!  How could you understand 
when you haven't flown in the clouds?  To feel weightless 
and free.  Ohhh how I miss it!

There is some debate on what to choose here.  1 and 2 will 
work but I really don't know which is better.  I chose 2 
here but in my other games I have chosen 1.  Either way, the 
romance will not finish.

LD10:	I...I am sorry for the way I yelled at you. I sometimes feel 
as if... I have been weighted down by many stones...but I should 
not have reacted so to your words.

		Choose option 1

I...I suppose you are correct.  But how can I?  Tell me how 
can I ever accept this (char name)?

		Choose option 1 or 2.   

LD11:	'Why must we always be fighting?  All I see is bloodshed and 
battle...and it drains me.  Do you...do you not yearn for a life 
of peace and contemplation?'

		Choose Option 1

LD12:	'I need you to tell me what the worth of life on the ground 
is.  Is there anything to compare with the freedom of living 
in the clouds?'

	Choose option 1

'No...they can't be.  Everything of beauty can be seen from 
the sky.  And there are so many places that you cannot go if 
you can only walk.'	 

		Choose option 2

LD13:	'I've...I've had enough of this life!  (sob!) P-perhaps it 
would be better if I just went back to the circus.

Choose option 3.  Yes it looks harsh but if you choose any 
other then she'll leave the party.

'But I have, I have (char name)!  I just don't have the 
strength.  I'm so useless...'

		Choose option 2

		(sob!) I...I can't

		Choose option 2.	
LD14:	'I'm such a silly woman.  Whining and crying...I must seem so 
ridiculous and petty.  No man will ever want me I think...I 
feel so embarrassed.'

		Choose option 3

'Oh, you're just flattering me (char name)!  None of that is 
true really!

		Choose option  2

'Oh...I see.  Well thank you (char name).  Ummm...do you...do you 
think I'm beautiful?  I mean do you feel all these things 
about me?'

		Choose option 2

LD15:	'I've...I've been thinking about some of the things you have 
been telling me.  I...I wanted you to know that I've come to a 

		Choose option 1

'And I...I hope that you will be here to teach me about it 
(char name).  To show how one can still...still live on the 
ground and still be happy.'

		Choose option 1

LD16:	'Aerie says that she has heard about your adventures in 
Sword Coast north of here.  She asks you what you did and 
says that it sounds exciting.

Choose the option where you say that you went to Baldur's 
Gate to defeat your brother Sarevok.

A couple more dialogues, Aerie says that do you think she's 
Tell her that you are pleased with her change and she will 
say that she is also pleased and will look forward to 
battles and says that the feeling is really exciting and she 
feels like she can fly again.

LD17:		'Have you been to many other places besides Amn?'

		Choose option 1

'I...I want to go to these places (char name)!  I want to 
voyage there and see their beauty for myself...and want to 
stand there and feel it...touch it with my hands.'

       Choose option 1


	By now Aerie is basically your girlfriend.  Those who know how to 
use the CLUAConsole or use Shadowkeeper will be able to see in the 
ROMANCEACTIVE part of the global variables the number there is now 
a 2 which means romance acquired.

LD18:	'I've been wondering...have you got any advice for me for        

              	     Choose option 1

LD19:	'I...I know that it is difficult to see what is to happen in the 
future...but do you have any plans?  I mean once this is all over, I 

	Choose option 1

	'Well do you see your self traveling?  Or settling down?  Do 
you...do you see yourself with me?'

	'I would prefer to be with you Aerie...if the Gods are willing'

LD20:	'My love...?  I...I know that you are tired from the day's travels and 
that you wish to rest.  I...wish  to ask you something...before you 
retire to your blankets...'	

	Choose option 1

	'I...I will show you my body (char name)...and I hope it pleases you.  
Would you...would you stay with me this night (char name)?  Will you 
show me what true love consists of?'

	Choose option 2

	'Stay with me for the night then (char name) and hold me to you.  
I...don't want to be alone, and I so desperately need to be near 

	Choose option 1

LD19:	'I was so eager to experience everything new that I...I did not 
think.  Thank you for respecting me.  I...I love you and I want our 
first time to be something special.'

	Choose option 1

From here on, if you continue on to Chapter six and meet Bodhi, you will 
get a special event concerning your love interest, in this case Aerie.  
You will have to save her from being a vampire and in order to do that 
you will have to read through some books on vampirism which can be found 
in Bodhi's lair at the bottom level in a trapped chest!  Basically, the 
Aerie romance finishes right here!  Yay!