Остров оборотней: север, ToSC

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Собственно север острова

Возможные соратники



Оборотни (Wolfweres - их можно ранить только магическим оружием), Страшные волки, Cave Bears, Dire Wolves, Black Bears, Brown Bears, Wolves


  • Go north and up to a building at (x 4185 y 1607), go inside and talk to the

Mage Dradeel inside. He was part of the original party with Balduran, and witnessed the birth of the monsters. He has a lot to say. Agree to help him. For your help, he will give you the Wolfsbane Amulet, and tell you to fetch his Spellbook from the shipwreck.

  • The entrance to the Shipwreck is at (x 3652 y 1057)


  • Wolfsbane Amulet (Dradeel), Staff Mace (Dradeel's Treasures)


  • Palin

You will encounter a man named Palin in the southern part of this area. He tells you that a small group of people are being attacked by monsters to the east. Go with him, and you will be attacked by Wolfweres. Turns out Palin is one of them. He is also carrying Farthing's dolly (see Other Section in Werewolves Island above).
Palin: Werewolves' Island North (x 1635 y 3240)

  • Kryla and Jondal

A woman named Kryla will approach you near the center of the area, and ask for your help in getting vengeance for the death of her son Jondal. And, you guessed it, she's a wolfwere too.
Kryla: Werewolves' Island North (x 3630 y 2050)


  • Meym

Another Wolfwere (in human disguise) can be found here.
Meym: Werewolves' Island North (x 767 y 2361).

  • Dradeel's Treasures

Once Dradeel has his spellbook and has teleported away, you can loot his little room. You can get: Holy Cloak, Staff Mace, 210gp, Plant, and Dradeel's Cook Book.

  • Sirine Queen and 4 Sirines

The Sirine Queen can be found here (see Other Section in Werewolves Island above). She'll also summon 4 Sirines near the water to help her out (if you decide to fight her). I suggest you lure her inland so you can fight only her then go pick her summoned friends afterward (near the water).
Sirine Queen: Werewolves' Island North (x 200 y 1216).

Разбитый корабль (AR 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504)

Note: Here, it's safe to assume that every chest, barrels and other searchables are trapped (also some floor traps) so use your Thief wisely. Also, I suggest that you clean out the first level of the ship on enemies, search it, cast any appropriate magic to help your party in a dangerous battle then head directly to the fourth level. You can easily get there without sustaining any damage since all the stairs are close together. Once the Fourth level has been sanitized, go down and do the same for each level.

Возможные соратники



Dire Wolves, Dread Wolves, Wargs, Vampiric Wolves, Wolfweres,


Werebane, Silver Dagger +1 (Level 2 Treasures), Cloak of Protection +1 (Head Werewolf), Shield Amulet (Head Werewolf), Sword of Balduran (Balduran's Office)


  • Нужно идти в трюм корабля. Там полно монстров-оборотней. Расправьтесь с ними, если хотите, и поднимайтесь по лестнице выше.
  • Из интересного здесь только коробка с ловушкой - ничего особо ценного. Идите наверх.
  • На этом уровне находится Главарь Оборотней по имени Каруг (Karoug). Поговорите с ним, затем убейте. Кроме него, придется сразиться с множеством других оборотней. Можете забрать Книгу Заклинаний Драдила (у Фаргуса он еще иногда называется "Драдел" - прим.перев.) (x 450 y 270), аккуратней с ловушками. На теле Главаря Оборотней вы найдёте малыша Пеладана (см. квест Сын Марали), у женщины-оборотня - Плащ Защиты +1 и Амулет Защиты. (
  • Идите в каюту Балдурана (остерегайтесь ловушек) и на его столе найдете три вещи: Меч Балдурана, Записная книжка Балдурана, а также Столовый нож Балдурана. Возьмите Книгу Заклинаний Драдила (AR 1504, x 436 y 266).
  • Вернитесь к Драдилу, отдайте ему его книгу и он тут же куда-то телепортируется, но свои 5000 очков опыта вы получите .


Малыш Пеладан у оборотня по имени Каруг (см. 4-й уровень трюма Корабля Балдурана).


  • Уровень 1 Сокровища

Wand of Magic Missiles, 320gp, 10 Magic Darts +1
Treasures: Level 1 Shipwreck (AR 1501, x 689 y 289)

Also (from Aaron McConnell)
Wand of Ice, Potion of Storm Giant Strength (STR of 24), 10 Darts of wounding, 5 Potions of Healing, Potion of Master Thievery at (x 210 y 506)

  • Уровень 2 Сокровища

Werebane, 423gp (TRAPPED!) at (AR 1502, x 685 y 182) Wand of Lightning, Oil of Speed (TRAPPED!) at (AR 1502, x 288 y 372) Cursed Bracers of Binding at (AR 1502, x 271 y 521)

  • Уровень 3 Сокровища

2 Antidotes, 1 Potion of Absorption, 1 Medium Shield (TRAPPED) at (AR 1503, x 657 y 165) and 5 Acid Arrows, 1 Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, 3 Healing Potions (TRAPPED) at (AR 1503, x 233 y 467) and 10 Arrows +2, 10 Bolts +2 at (AR 1503, x 349 y 494)

  • Уровень 4 Сокровища

Dradeel's Speelbook (TRAPPED) at (AR 1504, x 436 y 266) and Sword of Balduran, Log Book of Balduran, and the Butterknife of Balduran (TRAPPED) at (AR 1504, x 581 y 201).