Одноручный бой

Материал из AERIE Wiki
Версия от 08:42, 9 марта 2009; Шаннар (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая: == Одноручный стиль (SINGLE WEAPON STYLE) == This weapon class is for characters who do not wish to use a shield but want some bonus when using a one handed weapon. With ...)
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Одноручный стиль (SINGLE WEAPON STYLE)

This weapon class is for characters who do not wish to use a shield but want some bonus when using a one handed weapon. With one slot spent on this proficiency, the wielder gets a -1 bonus to AC and inflicts critical damage on an attack roll of 19 or 20 if using a single weapon. A second slot increases the AC bonus to a total of -2.
