Обсуждение:Башня Наблюдателя, второй уровень

Материал из AERIE Wiki

Tip:  After you have all 4 scepters, but before you free the Chromatic 
             Demon, close the lower door in the poison lab. Then turn off the
             fan in the air lab so the poison lab is full of gas. Move all but
             one of your party members out of the way (the fire library works
             nicely). Then have your remaining character (preferably having
             them hasted first) release the Chromatic Demon. Lure the
             Chromatic Demon into the poison lab (via the air library), then
             exit the poison lab into the air library, closing the door behind
             you and trapping the Chromatic Demon in the poison lab. Then just
             sit back and wait for the Chromatic Demon to die. It doesn't take
             long. (Jeremy Hanson)