Квилью Веладорн

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Версия от 13:00, 23 июля 2010; Alina (обсуждение | вклад) (начала переводить)

2ed AD&D

Женщина-дроу, клерик Элистрейи 16-го уровня, одна из Семи сестер, избранная Мистры.

Класс защиты: 6, передвижение 12, хит пойнты 92, THAC0 10, кол-во атак 1.

Подобные заклинаниям способности: танцующие огоньки, волшебный огонь, темнота, левитация, узнать мировоззрение, определить магию, определить ложь, ясновидение, предположение и развеять магию (каждое по 1 разу в день).

Известная личность
Квилью Веладорн (Qilué Veladorn)
Класс: клерик Элистрейи 16 ур.
Раса: дроу
Пол: женщина
Мировоззрение: Хаотичный добрый
Сила: 14
Ловкость: 18
Телосложение: 25 (16)
Интеллект: 17
Мудрость: 17
Харизма: 18
Информация о квестах
Роман: Нет

Заклинания (9/9/8/6/4/3/1): у Квилью есть исчерпывающее знание следующих сфер: общая, боевая, созидательная, элементальная, охранная, некромантия, защитная, целительная, солнечная, магия погоды. Частичное знание сфер: магия животных, очарования, предсказания, магия растений и призывание. Заклинания, которые она предпочитает и чаще всего запоминает: 1й уровень: благословение, combine, команда, определить яд, определить зло, выдержать холод/жар, пройти без следа, защита от зла, убрать страх;
2й уровень: помощь, augury, песнь, удержать существо, посланник, тишина радиус 15 футов, замедлить яд, разговор с животными, wyvern watch;
3й уровень: вызвать молнию, постоянный свет, излечить болезнь, защита от негативного плана, молитва, защита от огня, убрать паралич, говорить с мертвыми;
4й уровень: контролировать температуру в радиусе 10 футов, лечить серьезные раны, понизить уровень воды, извлечь огонь, защита от зла в радиусе 10 футов, иммунитет к заклинаниям;
5й уровень: лечить критические раны, развеять зло, удар пламени, стена огня;
6й уровень: призвать огненного элементаля, исцеление, stone tell;
7-й уровень: святое слово. (См.также дополнительные заклинания ниже.)

Оружие, которым она может пользоваться: кинжал, длинный меч, длинный лук, стрела полета (flight arrow), булава пехотинца, ручной арбалет, посох, праща.

Неоружейные специализации: художественные способности, танец, чувство направления, лечение, древние языки (несколько), музыкальные инструменты (рожок, флейта и арфа), чтение/письмо (на нескольких языках), религия (поклонение Элистрейи), использование веревки, пение, знание заклинаний, плавание, акробатика.

Снаряжение: помимо обычных вещей авантюриста, у Квилью есть доступ ко всем ресурсам Променада Темной девы, храма Элистрейи, расположенного возле Скуллпорта в подземной области, известной как Подгорье.

Магические предметы: поющий меч (which she can summon forth at will from an extradimensional space only she can access); a blast scepter*; a silver bracer that acts as a sheath for a silver dagger +1 and also functions as a ring of spell storing with the ability to hold six spells of any level (the spells she keeps stored in it are find traps, locate object, remove curse, fire storm, regeneration, and sunray). She has access to a special wand of magic missiles that has 88 charges, can fire 6 missiles per round, and regenerates 1 charge per hour.

Qilué normally dresses in an enchanted robe that flickers with a constant, shifting silver glow. It combines the powers of a minor globe of invulnerability with the automatic power to reflect back at the caster the first spell of 7th level or greater cast at Qilué in any 12-hour period. She can will her robe to become invisible, to glow with a faerie fire -like radiance, or to emit mists that totally conceal Qilué in shadows or darkness and that can obscure her identity under brighter conditions. For the robe to exhibit any of these properties, it must be in contact with Qilué’s skin.

Combat/Tactics: Qilué prefers diplomacy over combat, but if she must enter battle to defend herself, her views, or her temple, she can call on her drow heritage to be totally ruthless.

Allies/Companions: Her sisters; the clerics, staff, and guardians of the Promenade; and good-aligned drow throughout Undermountain.

Foes/Enemies: Evil drow (especially worshipers of the evil drow gods Lolth, Ghaunadar, and Vhaeraun); those who judge individuals on the basis of others’ actions (such as those who assume all drow to be cruel, evil beings); slavers; and such organizations as the Zhentarim and the Cult of the Dragon.

Appearance: Much taller than an average elf, Qilué stands a full 6 feet in height. She looks like any other exceptionally tall drow priestess would, except for her lush and long silver hair—which trails down her back all the way to her ankles—and her almost indescribable beauty. Her facial features are softer and less angular than those of other female drow, causing her to be described by many a man (of any number of races) as “achingly beautiful.”

Personality: While she can be stern and even ruthless when circumstances dictate, Qilué is a kind, caring woman. When not dealing with temple business such as freeing slaves, dancing to honor her goddess, or repelling an incursion by evil drow, she often exhibits an impish sense of humor when she is in a relaxed mood.

One of her favorite ways to have fun, which she has enjoyed ever since childhood, is to disguise herself as her sister Laeral and travel around on the surface. She loves to play harmless pranks and practical jokes, and she enjoys the opportunity to use a prank or trick to teach arrogant, haughty, or “know-it-all” adventurers that not all drow are evil.

Locales Frequented: The Promenade and Skullport in Undermountain, and Waterdeep (often in disguise as Laeral).

History: After the events involving the early years of the first six of the Seven Sisters (described on page 136), the Goddess Mystra was left with the problem of what to do with the unborn seventh sister now that the mother’s body had been killed. The Goddess of All Magic needed to find a pregnant female strong enough to act as a surrogate mother—and time was of the essence, Mystra knew, because using her undiluted power to keep the unborn infant alive would soon cause the child’s death. Fortunately, she located Iliryztara Veladorn, a drow adventuress who was leading a band of dark elves toward the surface near where the mother of Qilué’s six sisters was slain. Veladorn and her companions had been cast from the subterranean drow society for refusing to kneel to the will of Lolth’s priestesses. They were instead followers of Eilistraee, the goddess worshiped by drow who savor beauty and light and who believe that all dark elves should return to the surface world. Now, Veladorn was determined to found a new community for those who shared her views.

Unbeknownst to Veladorn, the rigors of her journey had recently killed the unborn daughter she carried inside her. Mystra realized that switching the two unborn infants would aid both Veladorn and Qilué—and she discovered that Eilistraee herself was watching over Veladorn and was wondering how to preserve the drow’s life before the unborn child poisoned her from within.

In an unprecedented move, Mystra revealed herself to Eilistraee and asked for permission to insinuate herself into the life of one of the drow goddess’s most ardent worshipers. Once Eilistraee was aware of the circumstances and the opportunities presented by this sort of “merger,” another unprecedented occurrence came to pass: drow and human goddesses agreed to work together for the benefit of their respective worshipers. The switch of unborn infants was made and Qilué was born, thus becoming the only of the Seven Sisters to serve two powers: Mystra and Eilistraee.

Qilué’s youth was spent in the temple her “mother” Veladorn founded, and she grew into a powerful servant of the drow goddess herself. Most of the events of Qilué’s past are unknown at this time, but it is known that she helped to open the eyes of another drow female, LIRIEL Baenre, in her quest to find a new life for herself outside the cruelty of drow society. Liriel returned the favor by assisting Qilué and the other priestesses of the Promenade in battling a group of drow who had followed Liriel.

Motivations/Goals: Qilué wishes for the influence of the Promenade to continue to expand, in turn showing that beings of all races can coexist peacefully. She hopes to see the drow abandon the endless wars, feuds, and intricate intrigues that so thoroughly dominate their lives today. The best way to achieve this, she believes, is to convert as many as she can, by either direct or indirect means, to the worship of the Dark Maiden, Eilistraee.

Campaign Uses: Since Qilué is the least known of the Seven Sisters, PCs may not even be aware of her existence, much less her identity and location. However, if the PCs are exploring Undermountain or are near Waterdeep, they may unknowingly encounter her. She has been known to assist adventuring companies who find themselves in dire straits while exploring Undermountain, but almost always requires some form of service from them in return for her assistance. On occasion, characters whom she helped have taken up a permanent association with Qilué and the Promenade—one of numerous ways in which she has caused Eilistraee’s following to grow.

Qilué also keeps track of events in Waterdeep, such as slaving and the distribution of addictive magical potions (an increasing problem recently). On the other hand, she promotes increased trading between drow merchants and those of the surface world, feeling that if good will can’t bring the races together, perhaps commerce (and increased profits for all) will.

The Seventh Sister seeks good-aligned adventurers in the area to wear her badge and act in the name of the Promenade of Eilistraee. She even may become the patron of such a group. If she takes an especially strong liking to a group of heroes, she can make their lives easier in numerous ways—for instance, by giving them a means of magically communicating with her if they find themselves in danger. But such beneficiaries of her generosity should never lose sight of the fact that being helped by Qilué always carries a price—and sometimes this may be a price that characters are not easily able to pay.

Sources: The Seven Sisters, The Drow of the Underdark.

Unique Abilities

Spell Immunity: Qilué is immune to magic missile, web, lightning bolt, Evard’s black tentacles, cone of cold, chain lightning, power word stun, sink, and imprisonment.

Bonus Spells: In addition to her normal repertoire, Qilué can cast cure light wounds, charm person or mammal, dispel magic, neutralize poison, raise dead, blade barrier, and resurrection each once per day without having to memorize them or use any of their components. (By agreement of the two goddesses instrumental in her birth, Qilué’s bonus spells are clerical in nature.) Mystra has granted Qilué the ability to disrupt the power of any magical items within 90 feet of her. With only an act of will, Qilué can prevent some items from functioning while allowing others to perform normally. She further can use any item’s powers or charges to augment the effects of another item. The precise limits and the exact methods Qilué uses in performing this ability are unknown.

Also, as a priestess of Eilistraee, Qilué can conjure moonfire at will once a day for each experience level she has. Therefore, she currently can call on moonfire 16 times a day. Each use lasts 1 round per level, so Qilué’s moonfire lasts up to 16 rounds whenever called upon. This effect is similar to a faerie fire effect that lights up the user’s body. Moonfire is controlled by the priestess and can range from a faint glow to a clear, bright light (but not as bright as true sunlight for the purpose of combating undead). Moonfire serves well for finding one’s way, reading, or attracting the attention of other beings. A priestess using moonfire can move, fight, cast spells, or even sleep and the moonfire will sustain itself until its duration expires. Dispel magic or darkness cancels out moonfire. Priestesses of 4th level and higher can cause the moonfire to drift away from their bodies, causing an effect similar to a dancing lights spell.

Источник: Heroes' Lorebook 2ed.