Яга-Шура,ToB: различия между версиями

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(source: Dan Simpson Throne of Bhaal Walkthrough)
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Версия 23:19, 26 ноября 2009

  5.        [YGSHRA]  Yaga Shura


    - NORTH FOREST (AR 6400)

      As you first pop in here, you get a little dialogue explaining what you
      are supposed to do here.  There are also some soldiers who need to be
      dispatched.  They were busy slaughtering some poor merchants.  The only
      one you can really save is, coincidentally, the one with a name, Karthis
      al-Hezzar.  Ask him for a reward to get 4240 gold.  Also ask him about
      the area (there is a temple nearby) and you can also shop here.

        Note:  This is the first opportunity in the Expansion to head over to
               the Watcher's Keep.

      Go down and use the stones to cross the river.  There were some Fire
      Giants on this island.  Continue to the right.  Here there were many
      Yaga Shura soldiers, and one mage.  Besides the mage, they're all
      complete wimps.  Go up, fight through the Fire Giants and Officers.
      Once they're dead, exit this area to the east.  Head over to the Forest
      of Mir.

    - FOREST OF MIR (AR 5202)

      We are on a road, walk up it.  Gorion will appear and talk with you.  He
      is quite disappointed in the way you turned out, it would seem.  He even
      claims that you murdered him.  With a 12 WIS you can point out that
      Gorion would never say such things.  He then zaps you with some magic.
      (20 fire damage)  Next he chews out your companions, Sarevok and Imoen
      (if they're around).  Again if you have 17 WIS you'll be able to say that
      Gorion would not say such things.  If you do have the 17 WIS option you
      take no damage from his next spell.  He punishes you again, this time
      for 15 electric damage.

      Next he tries to pick apart your romance (if you have one anyway), and
      just to be cruel, he summons someone out of your loved one's past.  This
      person then says things designed to hurt your loved one deep down to
      their soul.  Big meanie.  With a 17 WIS you can try to tell your loved
      one that this isn't real.  Gorion punishes you yet again, by knocking
      everyone down (they even make the "dead" sounds, but are not dead).

      Finally you get to resist his efforts.  You get 5000 quest experience
      and he summons some monsters to attack you.

        Master Wraith - 30,500 experience

      After any conversation with your romantic interest, enter the temple.
      Here you'll find various undead running around.  They want to destroy
      you for some reason.  Ah well.  Not only do they have a Skeleton Cleric
      but a Skeleton Mage as well (aren't those called... Liches?).  Turn
      Undead works well enough here.

      Search the tile over to the left to find some treasure. (x 750 y 1250)

      Go over to the right side, and search the tile that is propped up against
      the wall: (x 1430 y 480)

        Nymph's Tear (upgradeable by Cespenar)
        other treasures...

      Go up the stairs to find Nyalee.  She is the one who raised Yaga Shura,
      and taught him how to be invulnerable.  However, she feels that he has
      disrespected her (by literally stealing her heart) and wants your help
      to kill him.  It just works out that you also want him dead, doesn't it?
      He is invulnerable because he keeps his heart outside of his body,
      eternally bathed in flames.  She asks you to find both their hearts and
      bring them to her.  Then she can douse the fire and make him mortal once
      more.  Ask where the hearts are and she'll tell you that they reside in
      the mountains.

      Time to go.  Leave this area and go up to the Marching Mountains.


      You start in the very bottom of this area, and the entrance to the cave
      is in the top right.  Go up along the path.  You'll have to fight some
      giants.  Go right along the lava lake.

      Here you'll find a party of... interesting Bhaalspawn.  In short, they're
      all tiny.  How did Bhaal mate with a rabbit anyway?

      Go back left, then down the path to (x 1260 y 1500).  Here go up and to
      the right.  A Fire Giant along here (whom you should kill) is carrying
      many non-Magical weaponry.  Almost as if he's trying to tell you that
      you'll need these to kill Magic Golems.  Spooky.

      Go up across the rocks to the cave (x 2150 y 300).  Enter.


      There are many Fire Giants in here, including the brand new Elite Fire
      Giants (who have 250 HP and are worth 26,000 experience).  Also, don't
      walk on the lava, it hurts (a lot).  Finally be sure to constantly be on
      the lookout for traps, this place is covered with them.

      The 2 side rooms aren't important just yet, so go up.  As you go by you
      will see 2 barriers to the sides.  Keep going up.  In the center of the
      area is a great Machine (x 1930 y 1160).  There are passages to the left
      and right, with the blocked exit being up.

      Go left.  There will be a pool of lava here, with a container in the
      center (x 1200 y 700).  Oh, and it is completely surrounded by traps.
      Search the container: (you'll take damage from the lava)

        Girdle of Fire Giant Strength (STR set to 22)
        Hammer Wardstone
        other treasures...

      When you search this, monsters are summoned to fight you, including the
      brand new Fire Troll, which requires Acid or Ice to kill (once you knock
      it down).

      Head over to the right passage (which I found crawling with Fire Giants)
      and do the same thing as in the previous passage to get:

        Skull Wardstone
        other treasures...

      This time Golems are summoned at you, an Adamatite, Clay and Magic

      Head all the way back down to the beginning, enter the 2 side rooms
      and click the Plate on the wall.  This will open the 2 blocked passages.
      Each of these is worth 5000 quest experience (for 10,000 overall).

      Head up to the right side passage (x 1770 y 2100).  There are all manner
      of beasties in here.  Search the container here:

        Blood Wardstone
        Psion's Blade +5 (immunity to Psionic attack)
        other treasure...

      This summons more monsters to fight you, 2 Bone Fiends and a Cleric.

      Go across to the other passage.  There are other beasties in here that
      are just begging to be slaughtered.  Search the container for:

        Flame Wardstone
        other treasures...

      This summons up some fire elementals (and "Burning Men") for you to play

      We now have all the Wardstones, and can head up to the Machine in the
      center.  Click on it to open up the northern passage.  Using the machine
      gets you 20,000 quest experience points.  Go up (x 2400 y 540) to the
      next level.

        Note:  Respawning Fire Giants.  In the Marching Mountains area, if you
               go to the left of the lava lake, there are two more Fire Giants.
               They each carry a Full Plate Mail, King's Tear, Emerald and two
               Potions of Extra Healing (if they didn't drink it themselves
               while you're fighting them).  But it's not the treasure that
               makes it interesting -- the Fire Giants respawn!  Kill them,
               move away for a bit, come back and you can fight them again for
               more experience and their items again (to sell).  Repeat.  It's
               not quite as easy experience as killing them in Saradush, but
               this way, you can earn a bit of gold from selling their items
               too. [from Andy Kahn]


      I probably don't need to keep reminding you, but keep searching for
      traps.  There's a trap just above the stairs.  There are also some Fire
      Giants there too.  Once up the stairs, go left, when you see the lava,
      go up and into the main room.

      Search the container here (x 1000 y 1060) for some treasure.

      Go right and fight Berenn, a giant cleric, and his Fire Giants.

        Berenn - 40,500 experience
                 Balor's Claw (Cespenar can upgrade)
                 other treasures...

        Tip: The fire giants, including Berenn, can╥t get through the low
             arches near the start.  Draw them there and take them apart with
             ranged weapons. [from Xar]

      Go right.  The treasure (minor) at (x 1750 y 1430) is trapped.

      Continue right and fight the bad-guys here.  Further right is another
      treasure (minor) (x 2500 y 1800).

      Go up to the Brazier at the top of this room (x 2075 y 1100).  Click on
      it to get Yaga Shura's Heart.  Getting this item gains you 20,000 quest
      experience points.

      Go over to the right, and find the door that leads up (x 2900 y 1400).
      In order to open this door, you must have the Strength of at least a
      Fire Giant (STR 22).  There are Fire Giant STR potions on the ground if
      you need them.  Open the door and enter.

      You'll find a slave woman in here.  Free her if you like (15,000 quest
      experience) and ask her any questions that you have.

      Just to the woman's left, on the wall is a TRAPPED container (x 3050
      y 840):

        Stone Golem Page (Upgradeable by Cespenar)
        3047 Gold
        other treasures...

      Go left to find Yaga Shura's mighty bed.  In the center of the bed is a
      TRAPPED container (x 2500 y 670):

        Bag of Plenty +1 (Upgradeable by Cespenar)
        Yaga Shura's Journal
        Beating Heart

      Yaga Shura's journal reveals one important Clue, that he is under orders
      from someone else.  Interesting...

      Go left to find and fight Imix, the Fire Elemental Prince (x 1620 y 450).
      He's a pretty tough battle, requiring good magical weaponry to even hit.
      He is standing pretty much right on top of some traps, which also makes
      the battle more difficult.

      Note:  The Wave Halberd kills all elementals automatically, making this
             section fairly trivial if you kept it. [various sources]

        Imix - 50,000 experience
               Ravager +4 (Upgradeable by Cespenar)
               Amulet of the Master Harper (+20% find traps, pick locks, +3 AC)

      Time to go.  Leave the Marching Mountains and head back to the Forest of

    - FOREST OF MIR (AR 5202)

      Be ready for a fight here.  Go up and talk to Nyalee, give her the two
      hearts that you found.  This is worth 20,000 quest experience.  She'll be
      restored, and she'll make Yaga Shura mortal again, just as she promised.
      However, she begins to have second thoughts, and decides to attack you
      anyway.  She also summons a Nymph, and some Shambling Mounds to help.

        Nyalee - 12,000 experience
                 minor treasures...
        Shambling Mound - 16,000 experience

      Time to find Yaga Shura himself.  To the Siege Camp!

    - SIEGE CAMP (AR 5203)

      After a brief bit of text explaining the destruction of Saradush, and
      that you can't find Yaga Shura anywhere, you get control.  Be prepared
      for a large battle, it's not far off.  Go down and to the left, and some
      peasants will be fleeing some archers.  As you cross the bridge, Yaga
      Shura and his mighty army rush towards you.  Concentrate all fire on
      Yaga himself, as his army will keep on coming until you kill him.

      Yaga Shura can be found in camp at (x 1850 y 1570).  Once you wound him,
      he flees in terror, and returns a moment later with better troops.  Again
      concentrate on Yaga himself.

        Yaga Shura - 150 HP  -5 AC  -5 THAC0
                     30,000 experience
                     Runehammer +4 (upgradeable by Cespenar)
                     Shuruppak's Plate (AC of -2, +1 DEX, 20% fire res.)
                     Shield of the Order +4

      As soon as Yaga is dead, the Solar will summon you back to your Pocket
      Plane for your continuing education...

      (AR 4500)

      The Solar summons forth your mother who explains how you came to be.  She
      gave birth to you, son/daughter of Bhaal with the intention of
      sacrificing you on an altar to restore Bhaal after his death.  Gorion
      appeared and stopped this from occurring.  Gorion's disruption of the
      ceremony had some unintended consequences... like the other Bhaalspawn
      getting free as well.

      When the Solar talks to you again, if you are Good say these lines:
      (Whether you say Good or Evil things affects your ending)

        "I feel sorry for my mother.  Gorion did what he had to."  &
        "Yes, there is a debt.  I could have just as easily have had his life,
        and he mine."

      If you wish to get the Evil ending, just say any line that sounds
      particularly evil (as with anything, it is easier to be evil than good).

      For this you get 40,000 quest experience and are thrown back out to the
      army camp...

      (AR 5203)

      Melissan greets you when you return.  She tells you that all the
      Bhaalspawn in the city were destroyed, and that she and a few peasants
      were the only ones who could escape.  She has some information for you
      about the other Bhaalspawn who were allied with Yaga Shura:  Illasera,
      whom you already killed, Abazigal and Sendai.  She wants you to go
      after these guys.  She also shows you a new place you can go for help,
      Amkethran (ruled by her ally Balthazar).

        Viconia Romance Note:

          I don't normally take asides for romances, but this one is fairly
          major.  You can help change Viconia's Alignment here.  After
          Melissan leaves, Viconia will comment on the carnage of the battle.
          If you agree with her that this is quite impressive, she becomes LESS
          likely to change alignment.

          Tell her that this is horrible.

          Then, to get her to switch, say one of these lines:

          "Power doesn't automatically equal death and destruction, Viconia.
          This isn't me."   OR

          "Has killing *ever* pleased me?  What are you thinking?!"  OR

          "All this killing is wrong, Viconia.  And the fact it's happening
          because of me is worse!"

      Be sure to get the treasures from Yaga Shura before continuing onward.

      There are 2 containers of minor treasure in this area. (x 650 y 1630) &
      (x 2350 y 1550)

      Return to the Pocket Plane.

      (AR 4500)

      Time for the second challenge.  Head over to the left, to the passage
      that the Solar recently opened.  (x 1330 y 1660)  Here is where you face
      down what you would have been had Gorion taken Sarevok over you.  And
      of course, this incarnation of you doesn't care much for you, and

        Dark Version of You - 183 HP  6 AC  1 THAC0  4 Attacks

      Once he and his goons are defeated, the place is altered to fit your
      alignment.  You get 30,000 experience, everyone else gets 25,000 quest

      Return to the real world, then leave this area and head to the Oasis.