Борода Ульгота, ToSC

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Борода Ульгота - точка старта для каждого из отдельных приключений, входящих в аддон Tales of the Sword Coast.


  • "Похититель душ" Хургана

В помещении постоялого двора в Бороде Ульгота стоит гном, у которого есть для вас небольшое задание. Он рассказывает вам грустную историю о конце Дурлага Убийцы Троллей и просит, чтобы вы принесли из Башни Дурлага кинжал, названный "Похитителем Душ" (который принадлежал дедушке гнома). Согласитесь помочь ему. Вы найдете "Похитителя Душ" глубоко в недрах Башни Дурлага.
Хурган: Борода Ульгота (x 2360 y 535)

  • Квест Шандалара

Маг Шандалар попросит вас кое-что достать для него. Соглашайтесь (если вы не хотите телепортироваться туда прямо сейчас, скажите, что вам нужно время на подготовку) - и он телепортирует вас в странное ледяное место. Он хочет, чтобы вы доставили оттуда его плащ, который находится где-то в подземелье. Но осторожно, там полным-полно враждебных магов, которые, похоже, были заточены там долгие годы. И они не рады тому, что у вас-то есть путь назад! Детали см. - Ледяное подземелье. Отдайте Шандалару плащ, и он даст вам награду: 500 exp.
Шандалар: Борода Ульгота (x 1712 y 644)
Плащ: Ледяное подземелье (x 711 y 259)

  • Квест Мендаса

Some time ago the Merchant's League in Baldur's Gate found a shipwreck believed to be that of Balduran himself. Mendas would very much like to get his hands on Balduran's Logbook, but to do so he needs you to get the Charts from the Merchant's League's Counting House in Baldur's Gate. Agree to help him. You'll find the Counting House in the North East Section (AR 0300). Unlock it and go inside. If you want to get through this non-violently, tell the Guard that you are here to clear your debt, and that you have Tea and Spices from Kara-Tur. Go upstairs and talk to the captain. Ask him if there is anything that you can do for him, and he'll ask for the hardest liquor from Te'Tranion at the Blushing Mermaid. Get it for him to get the Charts, or just steal them. Return to Mendas and give him the charts. He will give you 2000 gp, and tell you to meet him at his boat. Go north and west up to the docks and talk to Mendas again, get on the ship and go. You will shipwreck on Werewolves island. (see that section below)
Mendas: Ulgoth's Beard (x 850 y 1250)
Charts: Baldur's Gate, North East Section (x 2350 y 3100)

  • Сын Тереллы - Далтон

Therella has a son who took to the life of adventuring and went to Durlag's Tower, and never returned. His mother, Therella, asks that you find him and if possible return him. After you've rescued Dalton, go back to Therella to get your reward: 300gp. She'll also tell you that Dalton is out adventuring again. Idiot.
Therella: Ulgoth's Beard (x 1555 y 416)
Dalton: Durlag's Tower, Underground, Level Six (x 1160 y 470)

  • Экскурсия Айка

If you would like a tour of Durlag's Tower (which is completely unnecessary, you can go there on your own at any time) you can talk to Ike who will set up a tour for you. It costs 60gp, and you have to get to the tower on your own.
Ike: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2181 y 632)


  • Рунный камень Галкена

Inside the Ulgoth's Beard Inn, near the Innkeeper you will find a commoner named Galken who will give you a Runestone if you pay his bar tab (900 gp). Agree to do so to get the Runestone. He warns you that someone may be after that Rune (which he just may have stolen).The Rune is important for Durlag's Tower.
Galken: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2360 y 535)

  • Распродажа Делсвирфтаниона

Delsvirftanyon is selling off everything he has and for the low low price of only 500 measely gp you can have his entire inventory!You mostly get some crap, but you do get one Dwarven Runestone (the other Rune he has is a forgery).
Delsvirftanyon: Ulgoth's Beard (x 1573 y 1186)

  • Фенрус

If you need more information on Durlag's Tower, you can come by the Docks and talk to Fenrus.
Fenrus: Ulgoth's Beard (x 615 y 1322)

  • Душаи

If you want more information on Balduran's Last Voyage, you can go talk to Dushai near the entrance to Ulgoth's Beard. You will have to bribe her to get her to talk, though. She will only talk to you AFTER you have already talked to Mendas.
Dushai: Ulgoth's Beard (x 2443 y 811)