Дав Фэлконхенд

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англ. Dove Falconhand - иногда переводят как Дав Соколица

Известная личность
Дав Фэлконхенд (Dove Falconhand)
Класс: Рейнджер

14 ур.

Раса: Человек
Пол: Женщина
Мировоззрение: Хаотичный добрый
Сила: 17
Ловкость: 16
Телосложение: 25 (13)
Интеллект: 18
Мудрость: 17
Харизма: 16
Информация о квестах
Роман: No


(согласно правилам 2-й редакции AD&D)

Человек, женщина, рейнджер 14-го уровня, одна из Семи сестер, Избранная Мистры (ранее маг 9-го уровня, вор 4-го уровня)

Класс Брони: 3; Передвижение: 12; Хит пойнты: 79; THAC0: 7; Количество атак: 2

Заклинания волшебника (4/3/3/2/1): как одна из Избранных Мистры Дав знает и может прочесть практически любое заклинание волшебника 5-го уровня и ниже (она является исключением из правила, гласящего, что маг с интеллектом 18 может знать только 18 заклинаний на каждый уровень).
Самые любимые ее заклинания:
1 уровень: невидимый слуга, отражение взгляда, прыжок, послание;
2 уровень: забыть, невидимость, зеркальный образ;
3 уровень: развеять магию, дыхание под водой, необнаружение;
4 уровень: дверь измерений, камнекожа;
5 уровень: стена силы
А также бонусные заклинания - см. ниже

Заклинания священника (3/2/2): Дав получает и читает заклинания священника как если бы она была клериком Мистры (7-го уровня), а это значит, что она не ограничена, как другие рейнджеры, исключительно заклинаниями из сфер Растений и Животных. Магия, которую она находит полезной:
1 уровень: обнаружить яд, волшебный огонь, пройти без следа;
2 уровень: огненный клинок, разговаривать с животными;
3 уровень: развеять магию, обнаружить объект.

Специализация оружия: все луки, все мечи, кинжал (метательный и в руке).

Способности вора/рейнджера: Шарить по карманам 20, Взлом замков 75, Поиск/снятие ловушек 80, Бесшумное движение 99, Прятаться в тени 93, Определить шум 25, Карабкаться по стенам 60, Чтение языка 0.

Неоружейные специальности: неопределенное количество, включая Бой вслепую, Выносливость, Лечение, Альпинизм, Верховую езду (лошадь), Пение, Знание заклинаний, Плавание, Нахождение следов (+4).

Обмундирование: как у рыцаря Миф Драннора, у Дав есть все нужное обмундирование для путешествий.

Магические предметы: полные латы +1; длинный меч +1 "клинок удачи" (осталось 2 неиспользованных желания), камень плута с заклинанием Прыжок камня (gemjump*); эльфийские плащ и сапоги, амулет, защищающий от обнаружения и определения местонахождения, несколько стрел +2, два зелья мощного лечения, два эликсира здоровья, арфа Дав.

Тактика в битве: Предпочитая оружие магии, Дав все же не забывает своих магических и воровских навыков, приобретенных в первые годы ее приключенческой карьеры.(не говоря уже о способностях Избранной Мистры, которые присущи ей от рождения). Предпочитаемый враг Дав - злые гиганты. Ходят слухи, что Дав носит на шее маленький невидимый кинжал в ножнах.

Союзники/Спутники: Ее муж, Флорин Соколиная Рука; Рыцари Миф Драннора; Арфисты; другие Избранные сестры; эльфы Эвермита (где Дав иногда живет); ее юный сын Азалар(живущий в Эвермите).

Foes/Enemies: Foes of Mystra; the Zhentarim; the Cult of the Dragon; fiends; evil giants; the priesthood of Malar; all slavers; and tyrants and oppressors in general.

Внешний вид

Once characterized by a minstrel as “a lithe and deadly mountain of a woman,” Dove prefers to dress in “men’s” garb when not anticipating battle; green or brown leather breeches and a jerkin are her most common choices. Although she is a full 6 feet tall and has an imposing frame, no one would ever mistake Dove for a man; her long, flowing silver hair, slim figure, and feminine face make her gender abundantly clear.

Личные качества

The most shy and withdrawn of all of the Seven (though with sisters like Dove’s that’s not saying much), Dove is quiet, capable, and unflappable. Her capacity for calm often astonishes people. Nobles find it disconcerting to listen to her describe the incredibly dangerous adventures in which she’s taken part, while her voice remains steady and without inflection throughout the telling. Adventuring companions are equally nonplused when Dove casually wades into battle against the fiercest, deadliest foes with a calm smile on her lips. Dove also occasionally displays an infectious, impish sense of humor. Justice, charity, and vigilance are qualities that Dove admires. She believes that actions speak louder than words.

Dove feels an almost childlike satisfaction when she brings justice to bear on others—good fortune for those who deserve it, or woe to those who have caused it. She values people who share those views, especially adventurers brave enough to put those qualities (and their lives) to the test. She is sensitive to all the expressions and movements of those around her, and as such is very good at discerning others’ motives.

Dove’s time in Evermeet has won her friends there, and she has likewise come to love the place and its inhabitants. Any PC activity in that vicinity would be certain to attract the attention of “the Silent Sister.”

Locales Frequented: Evermeet, Myth Drannor, Shadowdale.


For general information on how six of the Seven Sisters came to be, see page 136. The text that follows here recounts what happened to Dove after the death of Elué. When the Sisters were split up, Mystra turned Dove over, along with Laeral and Storm, to the (relatively) young mage Elminster. After she showed a preference for the force of arms over the forces of magic, Dove left to be tutored by Harper rangers. She immersed herself in the affairs of Those Who Harp for many years, fighting the Zhentarim and other evils of the lands around the Inner Sea.

Dove encountered a band of young Cormyrean adventurers in her travels during this time. The leader of this band was Florin Falconhand, and his group was destined to become the nucleus of the Knights of Myth Drannor. Dove acted as a tutor to Falconhand for a time.

Florin later repaid the debt when he rescued Dove from a Zhentarim wizard. Dove afterward formally joined the Knights, and married Florin not long thereafter. After the Knights moved their base of operations from Shadowdale to Myth Drannor, Dove became pregnant (an uncommon occurrence for any of the Seven Sisters). She then retired to Evermeet to give birth and raise her son. Florin visits them regularly.

Цели и стремления

If Qilué is the unknown Sister, then Dove is the forgotten one. Most people outside the Knights and the Harpers tend to overlook her (unless or until they meet her in combat). When others do talk of her, Dove is described as solid, dependable, and a capable leader. This “solid” warrior has come to the aid of many an adventurer who ran afoul of the fiends to be found in Myth Drannor. It is fiends and other evil, predatory creatures that Dove most despises. She hates to see any intelligent creature be hunted and afraid. Wizards and others who use or encourage monsters and evil beings have a special place in her hatred of all evils, as they not only do evil themselves, but also enlist such vile beasts to aid them. Dove hates all who are cruel, and she delights in besting swaggering bullies, adventurers, and even nobles.

She would like to see the elves make a comeback in the North, and she shares Alustriel's dream of seeing humans and demihumans working together to bring prosperity, harmony, and splendor to the North. She admires the elves of Evermeet and would be pleased to see the Elven Court return to Faerûn in strength.

Dove also privately believes that too many beings who wield magic become corrupted by the power that their Art brings them. She once expressed the thought as follows: “The thoughts in the heads of many wizards are markedly improved by making those heads lonely for their shoulders.” Campaign Uses: Dove is a Harper, a Knight of Myth Drannor, and a mother. As such, her interests include Shadowdale, the Elven Court woods, the ruins of Myth Drannor, and, more recently, Evermeet. She remains vigilant against the schemes of the Zhentarim, the Red Wizards of Thay, and other “selfish” sorcerers.

Dove has trained many Harpers in the past, and could continue to do. Those Harpers (or others seeking training) either would need to contact her through the Knights or the Harpers, or travel to Evermeet personally. Sources: The Seven Sisters, The Code of the Harpers.

Уникальные качества

Spell Immunity: Dove is immune to magic missile, flaming sphere, lightning bolt, Evard’s black tentacles, cone of cold, repulsion, reverse gravity, maze, and imprisonment. Bonus Spells: In addition to her normal repertoire, Dove can cast feather fall, levitate, wraithform, polymorph self, and major creation each once per day without having to memorize them or use any of their components.

Источник: Heroes' Lorebook 2ed.