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Версия от 17:52, 11 декабря 2011; Tyler (обсуждение | вклад) (Отмена правки 19241 участника (обсуждение))

Не будет покоя Дитю Баала.

Ты убеждаешься в этом раз за разом, а те, кто находится рядом с тобой, страдают из-за твоей подпорченной крови.

Когда Джон Айреникус пал, ты надеялся на что-то вроде передышки, но опасность следовала за тобою как чума.

Время пророчества пришло.

Поднялись пять грозных потомков Баала, и повели свои армии через Побережье Меча, убивая своих более слабых братьев и сестер, многие невинные гибли в этой массивной волне разрушения.

Паника распространялась перед армиями Пяти как лесной пожар, и тех, кто как подозревали, были Детьми Баала, изгоняли и осыпали бранью.

Даже в Сулданесселларе, в твоем присутствии беспокойство перерастало в страх.

Королева Эллесим настаивает на том, что ты должен посетить священную рощу, где древние смогут пролить свет на твою судьбу.

Ты задаешься вопросом, какую роль тебе придется играть в этом страшном пророчестве...

И сколько еще осталось до того, как оно в своей высшей точке пожрет твою душу.

Только в одном, похоже, можно быть уверенным.

Пока Кровавый Трон Баала стоит пустой... будет править хаос.

Начало игры.

  2.        [GRVFTN]  Grove of the Ancients  (AR 4000)


    Any drow items that you were cheaply carrying around in the sunlight (from
    earlier tricks) will turn to dust.


                STR   DEX CON INT WIS CHA
    Sarevok    18/00  17  18  17  10  15      Human    Fighter    Chaotic Evil

      Sarevok has been killed by you (twice), but now lives again thanks to a
      piece of Bhaalsoul.  He offers you information and help, but can you
      really trust your old nemesis?  Yes, actually, you can.

      Also, although he is Chaotic Evil at the moment, depending on how you
      treat him, you can get him to change alignments to Chaotic Good.  In
      order to get him to switch, don't ask for him to make the promise, then
      act good around him yourself, giving him second chances and whatnot.

      Found in:  Hell

      Grade:  A  There isn't a better fighter in any of the Baldur's Gate
                 games.  Plus if you're really crazy you can dual him to a mage
                 or thief for even more fun.  The only real problem with
                 Sarevok is his Chaotic Evil nature, which adds conflict to a
                 good-aligned party.



      Time to talk to some big heads.  They give you the standard cryptic
      prophecy routine, then set you in a different place in this area.  You
      sense that you are about to be attacked and soon a woman named Illasera
      appears.  She is a child of Bhaal like yourself, and very quickly she'll
      turn hostile on you.  She appears to be a minor mageling (98 HP).  Take
      her out:

        10,000 experience
        Boots of Speed
        Dagger +2
        2 Extra Healing Potions
        Ring of Protection +1
        Sylvan Chain +2

        Note:  This battle, like many others, becomes more difficult based on
               the strength of your party.

               Also, don't worry about the items, they'll be teleported with

      After the battle, when you attempt to move, you will collapse and awaken
      in hell.


      You wake up and a Solar greets you.  She is as cryptic as the giant heads
      were (there must be a rule about this, all divine beings must be
      unintelligible) and offers no real answers... yet.  She does mention that
      Alaundo was her servant, and therefore might know something about his
      prophecy and your powers.  She vanishes, and Sarevok appears.

      Sarevok is not quite what he used to be, in fact, he is probably only a
      shadow of his former self, called into being because you happened to be
      thinking about him at the time.  In any case, he offers some sage wisdom
      on the nature of this place.  You have managed to create a subplane
      within Bhaal's realm, and this subplane is currently separating you from
      the greater plane.  Sarevok noticed this creation in progress, and came
      to wait for you with a deal.  He wants to live again, and only you can
      make this happen.  In exchange for this, he offers you knowledge.

      At this point you can try badgering him to give you the information right
      now, but he won't.  He needs some Bhaalsoul to get him up and running
      again.  If you have Imoen with you, you can ask her to do it instead.
      Either way Sarevok returns to life (and you don't feel any worse off).
      He has a good hearty laugh, then launches into some Vital Clues for you.
      He opens up a passage to a "challenge" that you must face, and tells you
      to not attempt it alone.  He then tells you that you must eventually get
      to the Tethyrian city of Saradush where all things will begin.  Next he
      wants to join with you, and even offers you an Oath of Fealty.

      There are several empty containers in here.  Use these to store your
      items that you don't know what to do with (such as Component Items for
      upgrading your weapons... see below).

      Summoning Party Members:  On each side of the Planar Exit are statues of
      people.  Click on them to talk to the Spirit.  Eventually it will reveal
      that it can summon people who are tied to you.  Use this to summon any
      party members that you would like to join you.

        Note:  Although Yoshimo appears on this list, he is regarded as dead
               and cannot be summoned.


      Walk a little left and down to find Cespenar, your imp-butler blacksmith.
      His purpose is to upgrade your weapons and items. (like Cromwell, but
      better)  Here is the complete list of everything he can make, along with
      a list of ingredients required to make them:

      Note:  Unless I say otherwise, assume the item costs 5,000 gold to make.

             Also, several items (such as the String of Gond) are used in the
             making of several items.  This means you must choose which item
             you want to upgrade, because once you upgrade one thing, you can't
             do the other.

             Most of these are found in the Watcher's Keep, unless otherwise

      Case of Plenty +2   --  Case of Plenty
      Heartwood Ring      --  Oaken Ring                            (Amkethran)
                              Nymph's Tear                      (Forest of Mir)
      Thieves Hood (better)-  Thieves Hood
                              Ring of Invisibility
                              Antidote Potion
                              10,000 gold
      Helm of the Rock    --  Helm of the Rock
      (better)                Horn (left)
                              Horn (right)
      Montolio's Cloak    --  Montolio's Clasp
                              Montolio's Cloak                      (Amkethran)
      Wondrous Gloves     --  Bard's Gloves
                              Star Sapphire
                              Rogue Stone
      Blessed Bracers     --  Paladin's Bracers
                              10,000 gold
      Circlet of Netheril --  Bronze Ioun Stone        (Vampire Nest, Saradush)
                              Circlet of Netheril
      Golem Manual        --  Golem Manual
                              Clay Golem Page
                                &  5,000 gold
                              Stone Golem Page             (Marching Mountains)
                                & 10,000 gold
                              Juggernaut Golem Page           (Abazigal's Lair)
                                & 15,000 gold
      Improved Cloak of   --  Cloak of Protection +2
       Protection +2          Scroll: Invisibility
                              Scroll: Improved Haste
                              20,000 gold
      White Dragon Scale  --  White Dragon Scales
      Blue Dragon Plate   --  Blue Dragon Scales                     (Abazigal)
      Aslyerferund Elven  --  Bladesinger Chain +4    (Dragon in Suldanesselar)
       Chain +5               Scroll: Protection from Normal Weapons
                              40,000 gold
      Bag of Plenty +2    --  Bag of Plenty                (Marching Mountains)
                              King's Tears
                              10,000 gold
      Erinne Sling +5     --  Erinne Sling +4
      Fire Tooth +5       --  Fire Tooth +4
                              Bowstring of Gond                 (Sendai's Lair)
      Quiver of Plenty +2 --  Quiver of Plenty
                              Rogue Stone
                              10,000 gold
      Darkfire Bow +5     --  Bowstring of Gond                 (Sendai's Lair)
                              Darkfire Bow            (Capt. Erelon, Amkethran)
      Taralash +5         --  Bowstring of Gond                 (Sendai's Lair)
                              Taralash +4
      Runehammer +5       --  Runehammer +4                        (Siege Camp)
                              Rune of Clangeddin              (Sendai's Forest)
      Flail of Ages +4    --  Flail of Ages +3
                              Flail Head (Poison)
      Flail of Ages +5    --  Flail of Ages +4
                              Flail Head (Electric)                  (Abazigal)
      Storm Star +5       --  Storm Star +3
                              Starfall Ore   (found in Kiser's House, Saradush)
      Club of Detonation +5 -  Club of Detonation +3
                              Ring of Fire Resistance
      Hindo's Doom +4     --  Hindo's Doom +3
                              Hindo's Hand                    (Abazigal's Lair)
      Spectral Brand +5   --  Spectral Brand +4
                              Skull of the Lich                 (Sendai's Lair)
      Ravager +6          --  Ravager +4                    (Yaga Shura's Lair)
                              Serpent Shaft
      Staff of the Ram +6 --  Staff of the Ram +4           (Watcher's, Dragon)
                              Roranach's Horn
      Axe of the          --  Baalor's Claw                 (Marching Mountain)
       Unyielding +5          Axe of the Unyielding +3
      Ixil's Spike +6     --  Ixil's Spike
                              Ixil's Nail +4
      Dagger of the       --  Dagger of the Star +4      (Watcher's, Demi-Lich)
       Star +5                Star Sapphire (5)
      Carsomyr +6         --  Carsomyr +5                            (Firkraag)
                              Eye of Tyr                        (Sendai's Lair)
      Gram (improved)     --  Gram the Sword of Grief +5      (Abazigal's Lair)
                              Heart of the Damned               (Sendai's Lair)
      Purifier +5         --  Purifier +4
                              Eye of Tyr                        (Sendai's Lair)
      Foebane +5          --  Foebane +3
                              Fflar's Scabbard                 (Saradush Sewer)
      Angurvadal +5       --  Angurvadal +4
                              Liquid Mercury                    (Sendai's Lair)
                              10,000 gold
      Sword of Mask +5    --  Short Sword of Mask +4
                              Heart of the Damned               (Sendai's Lair)


      If you don't have a party, go summon one (the statues by the top door),
      then make your way up the stairs to the challenge.

      At the challenge you talk with a man called Gavid, a Bhaalspawn who died
      before learning of his heritage.  Gavid "dies" and you are beset upon by
      monsters.  They start small and work their way up in difficulty ending
      with Drow.  After which Gavid appears and tells you there is no way out
      of retribution... or is there?

        Note:  The challenge gets even more difficult if you are a higher
               level.  Also the challenge differs depending on your alignment.
               If you are good you fight evil monsters, if you are evil you
               fight good guys (say, peasants, elves and so forth).

      The place where you are standing changes a bit, but you're still in Hell.
      Everyone gets 25,000 experience, while the main character gets 30,000
      exp.  The main character also gets the Pocket Plane ability, which will
      return you to your private dimension.

      Time to go...