Джахейра: различия между версиями

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Строка 40: Строка 40:
''(Она говорит, что надо сутки отдохнуть, то есть поспать 3 раза)''
''(Она говорит, что надо сутки отдохнуть, то есть поспать 3 раза)''
==Дополнительная информация==
Jaheira was born to a noble family in Tethyr during the civil war, and soon orphaned as her parents were killed in it. She was taken in by a community of druids and became one herself, worshiping Silvanus. She grew up to be very headstrong and to believe that the only way to affect things in the world was to take an active role. She joined the Harpers and at some point met and fell in love with Khalid, another half-elf (and, at least later, Harper) with a very different temperament to her own. The two married and, in spite of their differences, always cared deeply for each other. Through the Harpers, they were also friends of Gorion and acquainted with such people as Elminster.
In 1368 DR, Jaheira and Khalid were sent on behalf of the Harpers to investigate the iron crisis and the Nashkel mines. They were also waiting to meet Gorion at the Friendly Arm Inn for unknown reasons, sleeping in turns so as not to miss him. At this time, Gorion received a letter from Elminster warning him that his adopted child, a Bhaalspawn, was in danger at Candlekeep where they were staying, and urging them to leave. When they did, they were ambushed by Sarevok and Gorion was killed. His child escaped and eventually made their way to the Inn, where they had been told to look for Khalid and Jaheira if something went wrong. The two took it as their responsibility to watch after them, having been appointed their guardian in case Gorion should die. They traveled with Gorion's ward for a time, helping them defeat Sarevok. Soon after that, the whole adventuring group was taken captive by Irenicus, and Khalid was killed, leaving Jaheira to cope with her loss and seek revenge.
Jaheira, always paired with Khalid, is one of the potential party members in Baldur's Gate. Though Gorion advices the player character to seek the pair out this is, of course, optional. However, in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn it is assumed that it happened; the party the player starts out as being supposed to have had consisted of Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc and Dynaheir. Jaheira is found in a cage in Irenicus's dungeon near the payer character's one, and can easily be released and added into the party. It is soon found out that Khalid has been killed, which obviously leaves her devastated. Later, she may actually fall for a male player character, though the dynamics there are very different from the novels. Jaheira's romance is somewhat complex to complete and requires the completion of some side quests, as well as never removing her from the party. Side quests triggering with Jaheira in the party include one where Baron Ployer, a slaver she brought to justice, puts a curse on her; and a longer one where she is temporarily disowned by the Harpers for opposing a corrupt one who wanted to benefit from trapping the "dangerous" player character. Finally, Jaheira can naturally be brought into Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal along with all the other surviving party members from Shadows of Amn.
In the first game, Jaheira is mainly shown as blunt, tough, domineering and demanding, with a rather harsh attitude towards civilization as opposed to nature. In the second, she gains more depth and more positive sides, though mostly without losing the previous characteristics. She has grown to respect the player character (though this may depend on player actions), but still wishes to look after them right until the very end. She also has a fair amount of common sense and wisdom, which is good, because she certainly assumes she has. As a druid, she must observe a keen balance in her way of life, and demands nothing less from her companions. She lags only a little behind single-class characters in terms of fighting and spellcasting ability, though she's not truly formidable in either.
The novels
Jaheira was a druid and follower of Mielikki and described as a warrior. She did not show much aptitude for coping in nature and did not engage in combat much. She was not very independent and was prone to screaming, often needing Abdel Adrian to help her out in various situations. She met and fell in love with him while still being rather unhappily married to Khalid, who cheated on her. They both knew he was a Bhaalspawn, and she felt guilty for their plans to manipulate him in some unspecified way on behalf of the Harpers. After Adrian was forced to kill Khalid, he and Jaheira spent some time trying not to give in to their obvious mutual attraction out of respect for his memory, a task hampered by things beyond their control such as a spider getting inside her blouse and he being forced to tear it off. She was killed during Adrian's conflict with Sarevok, but subsequently resurrected.
Some time later, Jaheira got captured by Irenicus along with Adrian and Imoen, and then by the Cowled Wizards along with Irenicus and Imoen, leaving Adrian to find a way to rescue both women. Along the way, he cheated on her with Bodhi, unable to resist the temptation. When Jaheira heard about this, she tried to comfort him by suggesting Bodhi may have used the vampire Charm ability on him. She proceeded to follow him along on most of the rest of his quest, until at the end she helped him return from "hell" by shouting his name and digging the ground until his head cropped up, also helping save the Tree of Life at the same time somehow by doing this.
Jaheira was killed by Abazigal when Adrian was fighting against the Five.
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[[Category:NPC]] [[Category:Алфавитный указатель]]

Версия 12:58, 12 февраля 2008

Джахейра (Jaheira)
Baldur's Gate I и Baldur's Gate II
Класс: Боец/Друид
Раса: Полуэльф
Пол: Женский
Мировоззрение: Истинно нейтральный
Сила: 15
Ловкость: 17
Телосложение: 17
Интеллект: 10
Мудрость: 14
Харизма: 15
Информация о квестах
Роман: Есть
Личный квест: Есть
Шаннон, Хейди

Джахейра родилась в регионе Тетир, в котором в то время правил король Алемандер. К своей неудаче родилась она в самый разгар гражданской войны. Её семья была убита разгневанными крестьянами, а сама она спаслась только благодаря служанке, которая вынесла Джахейру из рушащегося замка и отнесла в лес к друидам, под присмотром которых та и выросла. Джахейра верит в то, что добившись места под солнцем в своём мире она сможет защищать природу гораздо более эффективно. Джахейра долгое время путешествовала со своим мужем, Халидом, по побережью мечей, недалеко от Врат Балдура. Оба они являлись членами ордена Арфистов. Однако, по печальному стечению обстоятельств, Халид был убит, что оставило глубокую рану в сердце полуэльфийки. С каждым годом в глазах этой задорной девушки видно всё больше и больше печали. Мир не спешит меняться, а все больше и больше её друзей остаются лежать на поле боя. Навсегда...

+ неплохое сочетание Боец/Друид стало гораздо более эффективным с введением скимитара. Роман.

- типичный средний во всех отношениях персонаж, однако есть одно "но": из-за особенностей правил AD&D друиды очень быстро растут до 12-го уровня, и ОЧЕНЬ медленно после него. В результате уже в третьей главе развитие Джахейры может практически остановиться, ее максимальный уровень по классу Друид - 13.

В Baldur's Gate I Джахейру вместе с ее мужем - Халидом можно найти в таверне Дружеская Рука. В Baldur's Gate I Джахейра и Халид путешествуют вдвоем: так, если вы выгоните одного из них из партии, то с ним уйдет и второй.

В Baldur's Gate II Джахейра присоединится к вам в начале игры - в Подземелье Айреникуса.

Личный квест

Начинается все с того, что при одном из переходов нам ласково подсовывают маленькую битву, в результате которой мы получаем отравленного, почти умирающего мужика, который просит нас отнести себя к другу на северо-запад Доков. Вот тут-то мы и попались. Стоит только отнести, и все так завертится. После доставки ценного друга к нам неожиданно подойдет старый знакомый Кзар и предложит отыскать Монтарона, которого похитили недобрые люди из того дома, куда мы только что доставили страдальца. Ну идем. Нас не пустят туда до тех пор, пока мы не докажем свою лояльность, наведя порядок в домике злого мага в центре района (вырезав всех его обитателей). Пустили. Но наверх все равно не пускают. Страшно там, говорят. Хорошо, экспроприируем ожерелье в одной из комнат на первом этаже, и мы уже желанные гости. Там идем в оранжерею и отлавливаем птичку по «имени» Монтарон. Несем ее Кзару… Облом – это замаскировавшийся друид, который Кзара убивает и попутно объясняет, какой он плохой. Думаете, это все? Щас… Тут же подваливает еще один друид и утаскивает нашу ненаглядную друидку, мотивируя это тем, что у них «дела»… Знаем, знаем, какие у вас дела. После сна Джахейра появляется вновь и заявляет о том, что нам необходимо вновь посетить базу друидов. Посещаем. Оказывается, что глава местного ордена решил пробиться в депутаты друидской думы, а в качестве программы у него – отловить какого-нибудь ребенка Баала и посадить за решетку (в данном случае претендентом на вакантное место выступает наш главный герой), а кроме того предлагает всем желающим проголосовать за него. Мы, конечно, полностью с этим не согласны, что выливается в геноцид с присвоением шмоток. Далее к нам несколько раз подходят эмиссары от ордена, нудящие о том, какие мы плохие и нельзя же так было делать. В конце концов является учитель нашей ненаглядной друидки и объявляет, что если та не сдастся, то ее конкретно закажут и порешат. Моя попытка выяснить, что же это значит, натолкнулась на полное отсутствие народа в помещении ордена, что вылилось в последующие покушения. Однако, если все испытания с честью вынесены, появится ни много ни мало сам Эльминстер и вручит Джахейре булавку Арфистов - орден, так сказать, за особые заслуги. Но это происходит ооочень нескоро, поэтому у многих игра заканчивается раньше этого квеста.

Джахейра в Baldur's Gate I

Плюс стоит отметить квест с проклятием. При спуске на нижний этаж гостиницы Щедрость Моря (Доки) мы наталкиваемся на некоего барона Плойра, бывшего рабовладельца, осужденного при посильном участии Джахейры. Тот незамедлительно ее проклинает при помощи некоторых волшебников и сваливает. Разыскать его (и снять проклятие) можно, если попытаться поспрашивать чиновников, отвечающих за волшебство, в правительственном районе, а можно и доброго человека найти в Трущобах в "Медной Короне". В любом случае придется идти в заброшенный дом на северо-востоке Трущоб, где этот гад барон и обитает. По-хорошему он не желает снять проклятие, поэтому начинаем его бить. Тут же появляются волшебники и за некоторую сумму предлагают предать его. Можно заплатить и понаблюдать, как они его разделывают, можно не платить и разделать его самостоятельно. После этого забираем клок волос Джахейры и терпеливо ждем, пока сойдет проклятье (вообще-то, это должно произойти после сна, но почему-то требуется более значительный промежуток времени). (Она говорит, что надо сутки отдохнуть, то есть поспать 3 раза)

Дополнительная информация

Jaheira was born to a noble family in Tethyr during the civil war, and soon orphaned as her parents were killed in it. She was taken in by a community of druids and became one herself, worshiping Silvanus. She grew up to be very headstrong and to believe that the only way to affect things in the world was to take an active role. She joined the Harpers and at some point met and fell in love with Khalid, another half-elf (and, at least later, Harper) with a very different temperament to her own. The two married and, in spite of their differences, always cared deeply for each other. Through the Harpers, they were also friends of Gorion and acquainted with such people as Elminster.

In 1368 DR, Jaheira and Khalid were sent on behalf of the Harpers to investigate the iron crisis and the Nashkel mines. They were also waiting to meet Gorion at the Friendly Arm Inn for unknown reasons, sleeping in turns so as not to miss him. At this time, Gorion received a letter from Elminster warning him that his adopted child, a Bhaalspawn, was in danger at Candlekeep where they were staying, and urging them to leave. When they did, they were ambushed by Sarevok and Gorion was killed. His child escaped and eventually made their way to the Inn, where they had been told to look for Khalid and Jaheira if something went wrong. The two took it as their responsibility to watch after them, having been appointed their guardian in case Gorion should die. They traveled with Gorion's ward for a time, helping them defeat Sarevok. Soon after that, the whole adventuring group was taken captive by Irenicus, and Khalid was killed, leaving Jaheira to cope with her loss and seek revenge.

Jaheira, always paired with Khalid, is one of the potential party members in Baldur's Gate. Though Gorion advices the player character to seek the pair out this is, of course, optional. However, in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn it is assumed that it happened; the party the player starts out as being supposed to have had consisted of Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, Minsc and Dynaheir. Jaheira is found in a cage in Irenicus's dungeon near the payer character's one, and can easily be released and added into the party. It is soon found out that Khalid has been killed, which obviously leaves her devastated. Later, she may actually fall for a male player character, though the dynamics there are very different from the novels. Jaheira's romance is somewhat complex to complete and requires the completion of some side quests, as well as never removing her from the party. Side quests triggering with Jaheira in the party include one where Baron Ployer, a slaver she brought to justice, puts a curse on her; and a longer one where she is temporarily disowned by the Harpers for opposing a corrupt one who wanted to benefit from trapping the "dangerous" player character. Finally, Jaheira can naturally be brought into Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal along with all the other surviving party members from Shadows of Amn.

In the first game, Jaheira is mainly shown as blunt, tough, domineering and demanding, with a rather harsh attitude towards civilization as opposed to nature. In the second, she gains more depth and more positive sides, though mostly without losing the previous characteristics. She has grown to respect the player character (though this may depend on player actions), but still wishes to look after them right until the very end. She also has a fair amount of common sense and wisdom, which is good, because she certainly assumes she has. As a druid, she must observe a keen balance in her way of life, and demands nothing less from her companions. She lags only a little behind single-class characters in terms of fighting and spellcasting ability, though she's not truly formidable in either.

The novels

Jaheira was a druid and follower of Mielikki and described as a warrior. She did not show much aptitude for coping in nature and did not engage in combat much. She was not very independent and was prone to screaming, often needing Abdel Adrian to help her out in various situations. She met and fell in love with him while still being rather unhappily married to Khalid, who cheated on her. They both knew he was a Bhaalspawn, and she felt guilty for their plans to manipulate him in some unspecified way on behalf of the Harpers. After Adrian was forced to kill Khalid, he and Jaheira spent some time trying not to give in to their obvious mutual attraction out of respect for his memory, a task hampered by things beyond their control such as a spider getting inside her blouse and he being forced to tear it off. She was killed during Adrian's conflict with Sarevok, but subsequently resurrected.

Some time later, Jaheira got captured by Irenicus along with Adrian and Imoen, and then by the Cowled Wizards along with Irenicus and Imoen, leaving Adrian to find a way to rescue both women. Along the way, he cheated on her with Bodhi, unable to resist the temptation. When Jaheira heard about this, she tried to comfort him by suggesting Bodhi may have used the vampire Charm ability on him. She proceeded to follow him along on most of the rest of his quest, until at the end she helped him return from "hell" by shouting his name and digging the ground until his head cropped up, also helping save the Tree of Life at the same time somehow by doing this.

Jaheira was killed by Abazigal when Adrian was fighting against the Five.