Подземелье Айреникуса, нижний уровень

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Подземелье Айреникуса - Уровень 1

Подземелье Айреникуса

Код локации: AR 0602


Игра начинаеться, во время того, как вас мучает маг (Джон Айреникус, хотя ваш персонаж позже узнает его имя), непонятно с какой целью. Он отмечает, что у вас есть большой скрытый потенциал.

Однако ему приходится прервать свои эксперементы, потому что приходит Голем и сообщает ему об атаке. Выругавшись, маг телепортируется куда-то. Вы видете, как неудачливого Вора разрывает на куски. Вскоре вас спасает Имоен. Прежде, чем открыть клетку и выпустить вас, она расскажет вам все что знает о похищении, хотя знает она не много.

Возможные соратники

Имоен Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Раса Класс Мировоззрение
No pic.jpg
9 18 16 17 11 16 Человек Вор/Маг Нейтральный добрый
Имоен - вашь друг детства из Кенделкипа. В первой Игре она была Вором, а теперь она задуалена в Мага. СПОЙЛЕР: Не позволяйте Имоен запоминать заклинания, т.к. она не слишком долго пробутет в вашей команде.
B+ Она стоит на третьем месте из всех хороших воров в игре, и на втором - из магов. Эта оценка хорошо здесь подходит, поскольку игра не требует слишком многого от воров. Я дал ей "третье место", потому что, как Вор, она не может больше подняться в уровне.

Минск Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Раса Класс Мировоззрение
No pic.jpg
18/93 16 16 8 6 9 Человек Рейнджер Хаотичный добрый
Минск немного более чекнутый по с равнению с тем, когда вы видели его в последний раз. Причиной этому могла послужить смерть Дайнахейр, которую он поклялся защищать, но похоже он теперь слишком зависит от Бу, своего ручного хомяка.
А- Минск - одно из лучших вложений, которое вы можете сделать в игре. Он самый сильный из всех NPC и, к тому же, у него отличные способности. Плюс - он скоро начнет учить заклинания Священников, которые в дальнейшем будут сильнее.

Джахейра Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha Раса Класс Мировоззрение
No pic.jpg
15 17 17 10 14 15 Полуэльф Воин/Друид Истинно нейтральный
У Джахейры есть кое-каие проблемы с авторитетом, которым, в этом случае, должны быть вы. Она верит, что именно она должна быть лидером. Она также член Арфистов, организации, делающей "хорошие дела", членом которой является и Эльминстер...
B Хороший, надежный спутник, но ничего особенно выдающегося. В игре есть Священники получше, да и Бойцы тоже. Единственная причина оставить ее - это ее способности Друида, потому что она какое-то время является лучшим друидом. В данный момент, у вас нет особого выбора, кроме как взять ее.



Минск - (AR 0602, x 4030 y 2760)

You need some companions to help you out, and it's quite convenient to have two of them just to the north of you.Go east and north and Minsc will automatically talk to you.Tell him that you don't think much of his talents to enrage him and get him to break the bars that hold him in. (1,2,3,1)Minsc breaks free, and luckily enough, he realizes what you were doing and doesn't stay berserked.You can have Minsc join you, if you will (and I would).For freeing Minsc you get 3000 experience.

Джахейра - (AR 0602, x 3900 y 2675)

Getting Jaheira out requires only a little more effort.First go north and talk to Jaheira. (4,2) Agree to free her.Now you just need to find a key to free her.Go left into the room there (x 3250 y 2850).There are three containers in this room: a table with weapons, a chest with armors and a TRAPPED painting with potions.The key to free Jaheira is on the table (x 3050 y 2815).Freeing Jaheira nets you 3000 more experience.


The next thing you need to do is to go back to the northern room and equip everyone with the items there.Have Imoen de-trap the painting to get those treasures as well:

Dagger +1 3 Healing Potions (If you imported from BG1 with the Golden Pantaloons, they'll be here)

Talk to the Jailkeep Golem (x 2950 y 2850) and pump him for information. He won't attack you and you have no possible way to damage him yet.He won't reveal much to you, just leaving you with more questions than before.

Note:If you want to kill the Jailkeep Golem, have a Priest use the

spell Spiritual Hammer and attack him with that.He is worth
5000 experience.

Open the northern door (x 2865 y 2815).Go north a ways to find your first enemy of the game, a lowly Smoke Mephit (420 exp).There's nothing you can do in this passage, so go back to the torture room.

Head into the southwest passage (x 3315 y 3235).There your character will note the many bodies in the hall.Continue.


After the passage turns north, there will be a big glowing Lightning Machine (x 2650 y 3160).What this does is spit out Lightning Mephits, which shoot Lighting Bolts at you. (naturally)To deactivate the machine, click on its control panel twice (once to see what it does, and another time to do it). (x 2835 y 3060)Also, you MUST be standing RIGHT NEXT TO the machine to turn it off.You get 2000 exp for doing so.Turning it off immediately means you won't get experience for fighting the mephits. Don't worry about losing a few hit points, you'll get healed by the genie in the next room.

Note:Most "manipulatable" items like the Lightning Machine require 2

clicks.The first tells you what the thing is, and the second
actually uses it.

Then just kill the Mephit (420 exp) and be on your way.Go northwest into the Crystal Room.


Almost immediately you will be confronted by Aataqah, a genie.There are several options on what to do with this fellow.If you talk to him he will want to ask you questions.If you answer that you will "Push the Button" he summons an Ogre Mage (650 exp) for you to fight you also get 3500 exp. If you answer to NOT "Push the Button" he summons Gibberlings.Or you could ignore him and he'll leave you alone.Beat his monsters and he tells you to seek out Rielev.

Note:There are three pools of water in this room.Clicking on each of

them several times will result in several different "visions".
These offer you nothing but an interesting read.

The northern passage leads to a locked door, so we go west (x 1450 y 2660).


In this western passage you will be attacked by goblins.Goblins are super weak enemies, who can only hurt you with their bows.Rush their archers and they're done for.

This passage ends in a threeway fork.We're going up and right (northeast) first. (x 890 y 2200)Within this room we find another Golem, this time a Sewage Golem, along with a Radiation Mephit (420 exp).Talk to the Golem and impersonate its "master".Try and tell it to get to work (to open that door we passed by) and it informs you that you need a certain GEM to get it to do anything. (Technically, you can just pickpocket it to get the Sewer key, however this loses you some experience later) There are four containers in this room: the center table, another table and bookcase to the left, and a chest to the right:

Spells - Flame Arrow (Mage)

Dispel Magic (Mage)

Healing Potion 3 Potions Extra Healing 5 Arrows War Hammer Spear Medium Shield 2 Scimitars Long Sword +1

We're done in here, on to the lower left room (x 600 y 2400).In here there are a lot of tanks, though you won't find out what these are until a little later.There is a Steam Mephit (420 exp) in here.Shortly Imoen will pipe up about this place.At the end of this room is an Ice Mephit. There are three containers in here: a crate (x 675 y 2705), a barrel (x 825 y 3045) and another TRAPPED crate (x 1033 y 3025):

1 Gold 5 Arrows Short Bow 6 Bullets (for a sling) Quarterstaff +1

We're done in here for the moment, now into the last corridor (x 580 y 2280).There is a door (x 520 y 2000) here, but there's only a couple lesser Clay Golems in it.They won't attack you... yet.If you want you can fight them now, but you're better off waiting.

Clay Golem Note:When fighting Clay Golems use BLUNT weaponry.Bladed weapons have no effect, but Blunt weapons work as normal.Clubs, maces, morningstars, staves, etc.

Further along the corridor splits again, one end leading to a door, the other to goblins.Kill the goblins first, then go open the door (x 1010 y 1745).There is only one Tube in here, walk up to it and Rielev will talk with you.If you agree to help "free" him and the others in the tube he gives you a Crystal so that you can talk to the Tube-people and you also get 4000 experience.Search the table (x 1280 y 1585) to find the Sewage Golem's Activation Stone.There is also a barrel (x 1275 y 1400):

2 Healing Potions Sling 8 Bullets Halberd War Hammer

Go back to the Sewage Golem, impersonate the Master again and give him the Activation Stone.You get 3000 experience, and he runs off to open the center doors.You can then go back to the Tube Room and use the crystal on every tube that you can. (not necessary)


Back to the corridor along to the next door (x 1040 y 1085).Open it and enter the library.In here there are goblins, a Smoke Mephit and a Fire Mephit.Most of these bookshelves hold only books, but some have more. The shelf at (x 950 y 760) has an:

Agni Mani Necklace

The shelf at (x 850 y 850), which is the next one to the left, has:

Spells - Larloch's Minor Drain (Mage) 5 Healing Potions

The shelf at (x 1050 y 820), the one to the southeast, has:

Spells - Know Alignment (Mage)

The shelf at (x 1450 y 820), which is eastwards, has:

Oil of Speed

And the last shelf (x 1650 y 950) has:

Potion of Extra Healing

Now we have two choices on which direction to go, and we're going to take the south and east passage to the sewer section first.


Take this passage all the way into the next room, which is the sewer area for this dungeon.You will find an Otyugh here, which has the annoying tendency to Disease and Slow your people (650 exp).Search its body to find the:

Wand of Frost Key

This is the first of several keys like this.Others include the Wand of Missiles Key and Wand of Cloudkill key.These are used on the next level of this dungeon.The passage to the left is filled with goblins and leads to the Crystal Room, and the passage down leads back to the Torture Room. Neither place we want to be.

There are three openable chests in here, all around the stairs to the northeast passage.Open them (x 2725 y 2735), (x 2735 y 1810), (x 2900 y 1880): (one is TRAPPED)

Spells - Vocalize (Mage)

Clairvoyance (Mage)

Splint Mail Oil of Speed 7 Potions of Healing Light Crossbow 10 Bolts Helm of Infravision

Open the northeast door (x 2815 y 1725) and go up that passage.Kill the goblins and go through the door at the end of the tunnel.


There are three traps in this room, one on the carpet and two on the containers in here.There are four containers in here around his bed and fireplace:2 Bookcases, a chest and a drawer:

Spells - Chromatic Orb (Mage)

Burning Hands (Mage)

Helm of Balduran (+5 HP, +1 AC) ** Wand of Lightning Key Air Elemental Statue Metaspell Influence Amulet

    • If you imported from BG1, this item could be one of these (depending
on what you had): (Carl Pettersson)
DefaultHELM07, Helm of Balduran (it's this if you didn't import)

MISC72, The Claw of Kazgaroth MISC73, The Horn of Kazgaroth RING25, Koveras' Ring of Protection

Go east and later south to find the Dryads.They beg you to help them, so agree to it.At the moment, however, we head south into the next chamber (x 3500 y 2150).Be sure to check for traps here, as there are many. When you enter the room an alarm goes off that sends those Lesser Clay Golems out this way.There are four containers in here:a drawer north of the bed (x 3075 y 2210), a chest at the foot of the bed (x 3110 y 2300), a bookshelf south of the bed (x 3010 y 2390) and a table east of the shelf (x 3170 y 2470):

Spells - Monster Summoning I (Mage)

Dire Charm (Mage)

Potion of Extra Healing Bracers AC 8 Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer (part 1 of 3 Equalizer parts) Portal Key (which allows us to leave this level) Potion of Master Thievery

Go back to Irenicus' Room.Right now we have everything we need to complete this level and go on to the next.However, there are two more quests to complete (see Quests below) and some more rooms to explore.

Go northwest into the Portal Room.Here there are many more goblins to be slaughtered mercilessly.There are a couple of containers here.A vase (x 3120 y 820) and a barrel (x 3344 y 810):

Spells - Armor (Mage)

Fireball (Mage)

20 Bullets

When you are done with this level, enter the Portal to go to the next one. (You can come back at any time until you leave the dungeon)

You may want to do some of the quests below first.



Дополнительные квесты

QUEST:Free the Dryads

Dryads - Irenicus' Dungeon (AR 0602, x 4141 y 1370) Fairy Queen - Windspear Hills (AR 1200, x 4050 y 3050)

This quest is really divided into two parts, one we can do now and the other we must do later.The first part is Getting the Acorns.

From the library take the northwest passage up.It then turns right and then south.This leads to a room with 6 Duergar in it: Ilyich (fighter), 2 fighters, 2 crossbowmen and a mage.Search Ilyich to find the Acorns.The rest of the Duergar have piddling treasures such as Gold.There are also a number of containers in this room, with a spell and some Potions of Extra Healing. (and some non-magical equipment.)Take the Acorns back to the Dryads to learn what you must do with them.They tell you to take the Acorns to the Windspear Hills and give them to their Queen.For this you get 9500 experience.

Ilyich's Armor is one of these things: (Carl Pettersson)

DefaultCHAN03, Mail of The Dead +2 (if you did NOT import)

LEAT03, Protector of the Second +2
PLAT02, Plate Mail +1
LEAT06, Missile Attraction +2 (CURSED)
CHAN07, Chain Mail +3

You can't get to the Windspear Hills at the moment, but you will once you exit this place.Go to the Copper Coronet in the Slums and talk to a man named Jierdan there. (Warning!Jierdan's quest is difficult and annoying, so you may want to do this later!)He has a quest for you to do, and updates your map to include the Windspear Hills.Then you have to travel to the Gate section of Athkatla, and from there you can exit and go to the Hills.You will find the queen in the southeast part of the map.Give her the Acorns to free the Dryads.You get 32,500 experience and 9750 exp.

QUEST:Free the Genie

Plane of Air Door (AR 0602, x 1967 y 264) Genie (AR 0601, x 310 y 560) Dryads(AR 0602, x 4141 y 1370)

Just north of the Duergar chamber, where we killed Ilyich to get the Acorns is a door.The key to this door is the Air Elemental Statue that we got from Irenicus' chamber.Open the door and enter the Elemental Plane of Air.

There are many, many different types of Mephits in this area.Be cautious, some have nasty powers.

Go north along the path.Take the first left (x 1720 y 1300) and follow this path all the way to the left to a big giant fan.Just under the fan is a container full of treasure:

Spells - Conjure Air Elemental (Mage)

Go back to the first path, and then head north.Fight your way through the Mephits here to get to the path to the left.At the end of this path is a lamp.Manipulate the lamp to talk to the genie.He offers you a trade, you free him and he gives you an item of yours.All he needs is a Flask.

Note:Gunslinger points out that you could just Pickpocket the

Genie to get the Sword he carries.You may need to use
some potions of master thievery, but it is possible.

Leave this place and go find the Dryads.Talk to them to get the Flask from them, then return to the Genie and give him the Flask. For your trouble you get 15,000 experience and a Two Handed Sword of Chaos +2.*

Note: The dryads will NOT give you the flask until you have gained

the acorns.
  • If you imported from BG1, you may get a different item:

(Carl Pettersson)

Default: SW1H24, Two-Handed Sword of Chaos +2

HAMM03, War Hammer +2:'Ashideena'
AX1H07, Bala's Axe
HALB03, Halberd +2:'Suryris' Blade'
DAGG04, Dagger +2: Longtooth
STAF07, Staff Spear +2
STAF06, Staff Mace +2
SLNG03, Sling +3
SW1H06, Long Sword +2:'Varscona'
BLUN10, The Root of the Problem
BLUN09, Kiel's Morningstar

QUEST: Kill a Cambion

Cambion (AR 0602, x 2600 y 1030)

Past the Duergar chamber and the Plane of Air door (careful of the trap in the passage) is a room with a weird machine, and a Cambion trapped in a bubble. Get close to the machine and manipulate it two times to free the demon. Kill it and steal its treasures:

Cambion - 6000 experience Bastard Sword +1 146 Gold Chainmail Armor

