Трущобы, BGII
Трущобы (The Slums)
Код локации: AR 0400
Когда вы в первый раз зайдете на эту локацию, с вами заговорит вор по имени Гаелан Бейли (Gaelan Bayle). Выслушайте его и соглашайтесь пройти к его дому. Он представляет некую организацию, которая может помочь вам за определенную цену - 20000 золота. Это приличная сумма. Он даст совет, где можно заработать эти деньги и, в зависимости от класса вашего персонажа, намекнет вам на определенный стронгхолд (например, барда направит в Пять Графинов). После этого разговора начинается глава 2, и вам покажут, что Волшебники в Рясах отправили Имоен и Айреникуса в Спеллхолд.
Возможные соратники
Аномен | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | Раса | Класс | Мировоззрение |
18/52 | 10 | 16 | 10 | 12 | 13 | Человек | Воин/клерик | Законный нейтральный | |
Хотя Аномен и не паладин, тем не менее, он тесно связан с Орденом Сияющего Сердца. Он верит, что закон - превыше всего, поэтому его нельзя называть злым или добрым.
Находится в Медной Короне. | |||||||||
C+ (3+ из 5) В тот момент, когда вы наткнетесь на этого парня, он вам просто не нужен, он не впишется в вашу партию. Посмотрите на его статы: мудрости маловато для хорошего клерика, а с такой ловкостью и воин из него неважный.
После улучшения: B (4 из 5)(см. ниже Квесты Аномена) |
Корган | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | Раса | Класс | Мировоззрение |
18/77 | 15 | 19 | 12 | 9 | 7 | Дварф | Берсерк | Хаотичный злой | |
Хотя его мировоззрение заявлено как Хаотично-злое, Корган, скорее, Нейтральный злой (типичный наемник). Корган всегда ищет где бы подзаработать, не важно сколько жизней это будет стоить.
Находится в Медной Короне. Если выгнать из группы, пойдет в Медную Корону, но вернуть его можно только за деньги. | |||||||||
A- (5-) Лучший боец в игре. Хорошая Сила, отличное Телосложение и неплохая Ловкость. И в отличие от Минск (второго "сильного" персонажа), Корган может получить гранд-мастера в уровне владения оружием, что превращает его в машину убийства. Получил бы твердую 5, если б не был злым, потому что в доброй группе его сложно сохранить. |
Налия | Str | Dex | Con | Int | Wis | Cha | Раса | Класс | Мировоззрение |
14 | 18 | 16 | 17 | 9 | 13 | Человек | Вор/маг | Хаотичный добрый | |
Налия - дворянка по рождению и по воспитанию, но она воображает себя "сочувствующей" дворянкой, сражающейся ради блага простого человека. Ее взгляды на мир невероятно наивны - настолько, что порой граничат с глупостью (впрочем, только слегка).
Если она уйдет: Если вы согласитесь помочь ей освободить крепость, но при этом будете слишком долго тянуть с этим, Налия уйдет одна. Ее можно найти возле крепости Де'Арнис, за деревянным частоколом (к юго-западу от самой крепости). Событие: через неделю после освобождения крепости Де'Арнис, если вы будете находиться в городе, к Налии подойдет гонец с просьбой прийти на кладбище. Находится в Медной Короне. | |||||||||
C+ (3+ из 5) Воровские навыки у Налии довольно низкие (она сдуалилась в мага на 4 уровне), а это значит, что она - в первую очередь маг с некоторыми навыками вора в качестве довеска. В то же время ее интеллект - не 18 (что, в общем, играет роль), и у нее нет бонусных заклинаний, как у Эдвина.
прим.Алины: в то же время, для "доброй" партии это - неплохой вариант. Теоретически она может дорасти до заклинаний 9-го уровня, а воровские навыки можно поднять с помощью зелий. |
Собрать деньги для Гаелана
Ну вот, теперь у нас есть цель - собрать определенную сумму для друзей Гаелана, чтобы купить их помощь. Сумма эта - 20000 золотых. Заработать их можно на выполнении нескольких квестов по всему городу, а по дороге приобрести опыт и ценные предметы.
Как только вы наберете 15000 золота, к вам один за другим подойдут двое людей: женщина и мальчик. Вы должны будете выбрать, как будет развиваться сюжет дальше - на чьей стороне вы будете играть. На этом основная сюжетная линия в этой главе прерывается, она будет продолжена в главе 3 - Война гильдий и связанные с ней квесты, BGII. Несколько следующих статей практически целиком посвящены квестам.
Идите на улицу и поговорите с Брюсом: он вам расскажет о возможных квестах, начинающих стронгхолды:
Воин -- > Налия в Медной Короне
Клерик -- > новый культ в районе Храмов
Маг -- > волшебник в Рясе и его квест в Правительственном районе
Рейнджер -- > мальчик, жалующийся на монстров в холмах Умар - в Правительственном районе
Паладин -- > лорд Джиердан в Медной Короне (квест в холмах Виндспир)
Вор -- > воры Тени в Доках
Бард -- > театр под таверной Пять графинов в районе Моста
Друид -- > мужчина в районе Ворот просит решить проблему в Трейдмите
В течение этой главы вам трижды будут сниться сны, они будут появляться случайным образом во время отдыха.
Дополнительные квесты
QUEST: The Mystery of the Copper Coronet
Entrance to Coronet - Slums (AR 0400, x 2470 y 2250) Lehtinan - Coronet (AR 0406, x 410 y 1215) Hendak - Coronet (AR 0406, x 2685 y 500) Beastmaster - Coronet (AR 0406, x 3550 y 2000)
Enter the Copper Coronet, and talk to the owner and proprietor of the place, Lehtinan. (If you need to rest, talk to his associate, Bernard) Ask him about ways to "spend a coin", and about his other types of entertainment. This will allow you to visit the back rooms. Open the door near Anomen at (x 1400 y 1480). A guard in here will welcome you to the "exclusive" entertainments offered here. Turn right and open that door. A man here talks to you about the Pit. He tells you all about the slavery, fighting, and so forth that goes on here. Go further down the passage to see a fight.
Note: It may be weird, but if you just go up and kill Lehtinan, not only are there no negative consequences, but Bernard starts acting like Hendak took over, and begins selling the new stock of items!
Go back to the guard, and go up the north (x 1600 y 1370) passage. Be prepared for a fight. There will be two secret doors on the left. One leads to a pillowed room, the other to a set of stairs to the sewers. Ignore it for now and continue to the end of the passage. There's no way to avoid conflict with the 5 guards here (2 mages), so kill them quickly.
Go near the center cell to talk to Hendak, the gladiator. Agree to free him and he'll tell you that the Beastmaster has the key. Go to the southeast end of this room, and open the southern door (x 2720 y 875). This leads you past the gladiator pits (complete with a violent winter wolf to kill) to the area where the monsters are kept. There you will find the Beastmaster with his pet tiger, Tabitha. He opens up all the monster pens to let them at you. Kill the Beastmaster: (2000 exp)
Beastmaster Key Spells - Stone to Flesh (Mage) Plate Mail Tuigan Bow +1 (3 Shots per round)
Kill the other monsters if you wish. Return to the cells, open the non-Hendak cells first for some (5000) experience. Then go to Hendak's cell with the key and free him, this gets you 7500 exp. Hendak is rightly pissed off about his recent situation and runs off to kill Lehtinan. Follow and help out (clearing out the guards and whatnot). Don't worry, Hendak won't kill Lehtinan until you get there. (on an interesting side note, Nalia will join the fight against the guards even if she isn't in your party) When Lehtinan is dead you get 48,750 experience.
Tim Lou has an alternate way to free Hendak:
After you talked with Hendak, you can head back to Lehtinan and tell him that Hendak is a slave in prison. Lehtinan will give you the key of the cell and asks you to kill Hendak for him. You can agree for the time being. Then you go back to free Hendak and you decide let him go (Tell him that you get the key from Lehtinan and pretend to kill him) or kill him for Lehtinan. By this way, you don't need to deal with the beastmaster and get the cell key (Although the beastmaster is not a tough guy).
Editor's Note:
If you wanted to do both methods, you could kill the Beastmaster first, then skip Hendak and talk to Lehtinan. You can get a reward of a Plate Mail from Lehtinan when you tell him about the escape attempt. Then he'll give you a key to deal with Hendak.
Evil Note:
If you do what Lehtinan suggests and kill Hendak, then you get 420 experience for killing Hendak and a reward of Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters from Lehtinan. (Oh and your Reputation drops 1 point) By the way, you would get that item later anyway when you freed the slaves.
Hendak asks you to help free more slaves (see "Free the Slaves" below), agree to do so. Search Lehtinan's body:
Spells - Summon Nishruu (Mage) Death Fog (Mage) Gems 1287 Gold
Also, Bernard now gives you a discount on his items.
QUEST: Free the Slaves
Entrance to Sewers - Coronet (AR 0406, x 2070 y 660) Entrance to the Slavers - Sewers (AR 0404, x 2900 y 2500) Exit to the Slums - Slave Galley (AR 0405, x 750 y 1900)
Remember that set of stairs we skipped by earlier? Go down them. While you are down here, you might want to do the Sentient Sword Quest (described below). Go through the sewers until you reach the exit (x 2900 y 2500). This is the back entrance to the Slavers Compound (the beached ship in the Slums).
You appear in the middle of a good deal of enemies. Don't wander too much around this area during your fight, as there are TRAPS that can kill you. Also new guards can come in from other areas. Once this fight is over, search the Captain's remains for:
Haegan's Key Studded Leather Armor +2 Potions Minor Treasures
There is also a box of gems here (x 1815 y 1330). Open the door to the northeast (x 2136 y 1205), kill the two trolls in here and talk to the slave girl. If you give her 100 gold you get 3500 exp and a Reputation +1. Go back.
Now go up the little steps to the northwest (x 1720 y 1066) and into the hallway. On each side of the passage are cells with slaves in them. Free them for 2500 exp. Go into the room to the northwest (being ever mindful to check for TRAPS, of course). There are 3 containers with minor treasures here. The next room to the north has several Yuan-ti in it, as well as some minor treasures (Arrows, Gold, Spells, etc.).
The next room to the south has the Slaver Mage in it, and provides a bit tougher battle. The slaver wizard has a Cloak of Protection +1 on him. The rest have mostly minor treasures. There are two containers in the north of this room with some good treasures (Spells, Rings and such). Careful, the chest is trapped.
Then just go southwest (careful of traps), then southeast. Ignore the side room. There will be three shelves here, the trapped one in the middle has a sling. Also there is a barrel left of that. (It has a spell and some gold) Just past that is the exit to the Slums. (x 750 y 1900)
Return to Hendak to get your reward: 38,000 quest experience per character, Plate Mail, Bastard Sword +1 +3 vs. Shapeshifters, Reputation +1 and 3900 gold.
QUEST: The Sentient Sword (Lilarcor)
Hand - (AR 0404, x 515 y 950) Ring - (AR 0404, x 1640 y 850) Staff - (AR 0404, x 2360 y 1300) Blood - (AR 0404, x 2330 y 2722) Quallo - (AR 0404, x 2240 y 2760) Sword - (AR 0404, x 2790 y 1790)
From the Coronet entrance, head south. Clear out the Hobgoblins here, then go west (x 900 y 650). There will be an Otyugh here, kill it. (5000 exp) In the center of this little room is a grate, (x 515 y 950) click the grate twice to get the first object, the Hand.
Back into the main passage, and head southeast. This leads to a small room. On the north wall are two skeletons pressed together. Click them twice to get the Ring. (The stairs to the NE lead to a Myconid area, but there is no real reason to go that way) 0418
Go down the southwest passage, and follow it to the little bit of water. The little bridge is trapped. Go north up the water until you reach the kobolds (x 2360 y 1600). Kill them to get the Staff. That leaves just one object left.
ShirouKyoji has a different way to get the staff:
Talk to the Kobold Shaman after reading the clues, and choose option number 3. Then, choose option number 1. Then, choose option number 4. I *KNOW* It says to offer 2000 gold pieces, just do it. Then, choose option number 1. The other Kobolds will get mad and kill him. Then, you can loot the 2000 gold. Tada! Plus, you get to hear some funny Dialogue.
Go back south, cross the bridge and go southeast (x 1835 y 2000). At the fork, take the southern path until you find the odd little man, Quallo (x 2240 y 2760). Talk to him to try to learn everything you can. Then kill the Carrion Crawler there to get its blood, the final object. We now have everything we need.
Go up the northern passage (x 2275 y 2790), through the enemies until you reach the Pipe room (x 2666 y 1915). The Glowing Pool has a few things to say, but if you're reading this then you don't need to care.
There are four pipes in this room, corresponding to each of the items. We will number the pipes from top to bottom, with the top pipe being pipe number 1. Double click each pipe in this order:
Pipe 3 (Hand) Pipe 1 (Ring) Pipe 2 (Blood) Pipe 4 (Staff)
Do that and the Sentient Sword will appear and everyone gets 18,000 quest experience points. Lilarcor (its name) is a Two Handed Sword +3, with immunities to Charm and Confusion. If you talk to Quallo after this, it turns out that he was charmed himself, and he will leave.
QUEST: Nalia's Quest (Fighter/Barbarian Stronghold)
Nalia - Coronet (AR 0406, x 900 y 1500)
Nalia is one of two people who walk right up to you and ask for help (the other being Anomen, who doesn't really want help). Anyway she wants your assistance in helping clear out her ancestral castle of monsters. Agree to help her. Let her join if you wish it. (It's usually better to have the person whose quest you are working on with you) You will then have to leave the city. So, first go to the City Gates and from there exit to De'Arnise Hold.
This Quest is continued in section 2.3 De'Arnise Hold.
QUEST: Korgan's Quest
Korgan - Coronet (AR 0406, x 1850 y 960) Crypt - Graveyard (AR 0800, x 640 y 1830) Pimlico Estate - Temple District (AR 0900, x 4315 y 1015)
Talk with the dwarf near Surly and listen to his tale. He wants to break into a crypt and steal a book found within. This book will then be sold to a book dealer for a great profit. Agree to his proposal and let him join you. To the graveyard!
There are many entrances to this crypt, but the one listed above works best, I think. Open it and descend into darkness.
One of the pots to your right has a Mislead spell. Enter the passage (being doubly sure to check for traps, of course). There is a trapped chest in the passage here, and another one just before the passage ends. These chests have spells and other minor treasures. The second one also has some Wooden Stakes. Makes you wonder what is done here. You don't need the stakes right now, but feel free to take them.
Going right you'll have to contend with some spiders. Take them out and go right. There's another group of spiders here along with some Ettercaps. North of here is the Spider Queen (no, not Lolth, see Quests in the Graveyard section), and to the south is the crypt we want. (x 2750 y 3250)
This is a large Egyptian looking chamber, with a figure of a woman on the floor (who is trapped). Also, when you step on a certain spot, all the doors fling open and release many nasty undead. These guys will drain your levels, stats, or disease you. There are four traps on the figure, 2 on the eyes, one on the necklace and another on the hand.
Search for the secret door in the bottom corner (x 900 y 800). There are more traps within this passage, as well as more undead, mummies and the like. This passage then forks, with a passage going right and another continuing south. At the fork, there is a pot with some treasure (x 533 y 1290). Go right (checking for traps, of course) and click on the coffin at (x 815 y 1325). This releases its occupant who doesn't like you. Kill it. It has a spiffy spear on it. Further right are a group of mummies and ghasts and past them is a small room with treasure. Nothing great, but it's better than nothing.
Back at the fork, this time go south. Be careful to search for traps, there are three between you and the next room. Within this room are mummies and a big already looted coffin. Korgan notes that the tomb is looted (11,250 exp). Kill the mummy there and Korgan comes up with a plan of action to get the people who looted this tomb ahead of you. He wants to hurry to the Temple District to the home of the Book Dealer (whose book was in the tomb). There are two pots in here with very minor treasures.
Leave the crypt and go over to the Temple District. Go to the Pimlico Family Estate (just past the Temple of Lathander). As you approach, Korgan tells you that the place has been looted (you took too long, even if you came right here that was too long!). Go inside anyway. Despite what Korgan said there are a few gold pieces laying about. Take Korgan into the bedroom and he'll mention that this looks like the work of Shagbag, who can probably be found on the roof of the Copper Coronet. (8750 exp)
To the Slums! The stairs that lead to the roof are at (x 1530 y 2815). Go up the stairs until you find Shagbag and his party. (5000 exp) Korgan has some words with them and a fight breaks out. Search Shagbag's corpse to find the Book of Kaza. The only thing that remains is to sell it (to any retailer).
QUEST: Anomen's Murdered Sister
House Delryn - Government District (AR 1000, x 4300 y 2175)
About a week after you gain Anomen in your party, a messenger approaches him and tells him to return home as his sister has been murdered. This quest may influence whether Anomen can become a Knight later, which increases his abilities.
Go to the Government District, Anomen's home. The Delryn Family Estate is the large orange building south of the Council building (by quite a bit). At the door the guard tells you of how tense things are between Anomen and his father. Enter. You will find Cor Delryn, Anomen's father, in the kitchen. He accuses Anomen of letting Moira -- his sister -- get killed. He then says that the only way for Anomen to make this up to them is to avenge her by killing those responsible.
You must advise Anomen on what to do: 1) Kill Saerk out of vengeance, 2) seek a legal resolution to things, or 3) Kill Saerk for the money. Convince Anomen not to kill Saerk, and then tell him that perhaps his father's quest for revenge has tainted his judgment (10,500 exp).
Go to the Government Building and talk to Bylanna there. She says that there is insufficient evidence on Saerk to convict him of much of anything. Again Anomen looks to you for advice. Convince him to let bygones be bygones for (7500 exp).
From the time you talked to Cor, you have 10 days before Anomen's next quest begins.
QUEST: Anomen and the Knights of the Radiant Heart
Radiant Heart - Temple District (AR 0900, x 3300 y 3400)
Note: This quest can be delayed if you are in a romance with Anomen.
10 days after the completion of Anomen's first quest (dealing with his sister's death), if you are in the city, Sir Ryan Trawl will approach Anomen. He tells him that it is now time for Anomen to take the tests of knighthood.
Go inside the Order of the Radiant Heart and the Judging will begin. Whether Anomen is accepted as a Knight depends on how you solved his Sister's Quest. If you sought out the non-violent solution, then Anomen is a Knight, otherwise he is not.
Anomen's Wisdom is increased to 16 and his name changed to Sir Anomen. The party gains 10,000 experience and Anomen gains another 50,000 experience on top of that. With the increased Wisdom he also gains +2 1st and 2nd level Priest spells. Have Anomen speak with Sir Ryan Trawl. (nothing much is said)
QUEST: Jierdan's Quest (Paladin Stronghold)
Lord Jierdan - Copper Coronet (AR 0406, x 725 y 1400)
Within the Copper Coronet, you will find a man in fiery red who offers you an outrageous sum of money to do a minor monster fighting quest. He wants some ogres cleared out from his holds near the Windspear Hills. He marks it on your map. Leave the city and head out to the Windspear Hills. (on a side note, the voice of Jierdan is provided by the same person who did Minsc)
This quest is continued in the Windspear Hills section below.
OTHER: Fight some Brigands near Copper Coronet
Brigands - Slums (AR 0400, x 3100 y 2130)
Just to the right of the entrance to the Copper Coronet are a duo of not so bright brigands, Cohrvale and Bregg. They attack you before realizing you are fully armed and dangerous. Take them out. They are worth 6000 and 4000 exp each.
OTHER: Amalas' Duel in the Coronet
Entrance to Coronet - Slums (AR 0400, x 2470 y 2250) Amalas (70 hp) - Coronet (AR 0406, x 1090 y 1870)
In the southern end of the Coronet is a group of three idiots led by Amalas. (near Korgan) Talk to Amalas and insult his honor. Beat him one-on-one to get 1800 and 9500 exp. Then you can tell his lackeys to take a hike. Only the main character can duel with Amalas, so if your main character is a Sorcerer (or whatever) you will have a more difficult time with it.
If you free Hendak and the slaves before dueling, Amalas will vanish.
OTHER: Mazzy and Gorf (from Vladislav Brkic, and a number of others)
Copper Coronet - Slums (AR0406, x 200 y 1400)
I was selling some goods to Bernard in the Copper Coronet, after which I left through second door. Outside an Ogre pit fighter called Gorf the Squisher started talking to Mazzy and said how halflings don't know how to hit. Then he started hitting some commoner and talked to Mazzy again and challenged her to a duel in the Copper Coronet pit. When I entered the Copper Coronet Mazzy talked to pit manager Surly and he sent us to talk to Gorf's girlfriend Bunkin. After that I then talked to Festule the Alchemist (same area x 915 y 1240) and bought a potion to disable Gorf for 400gp. He also said to try giving it to Bunkin. Then I talked to Bunkin (x 1200 y 1820), complimented her and she complained that Gorf never does that, so I gave her Festule's "love" potion and said that it will solve her problem (for this the party gained 11,500 exp).
Then Gorf arrived and said that his ale tasted funny but still entered the pit. Mazzy killed him easily (2500 xp). Then she said something like "Virtue has won again" and party received another 5000 exp.
OTHER: Dog Fighting
Surly - Coronet (AR 0406, x 980 y 1800)
Talk to Surly and for 10 gp you can set up a Dogfight. You get 20 gp if you win, although Good party members seem to be upset by this.
You can kill Surly with no penalty (250 experience).
OTHER: Gloves of Pickpocketing (from Snark)
Gloves - Coronet (AR 0406, x 750 y 610)
In one of the rooms at the top of the stairs, the room with the retired pickpocket, you will find a trapped table with the Gloves of Pickpocketing.
OTHER: People around the Sphere
Waylane near the Sphere tries to sell you the sphere. (it's even more amusing when he tries to sell it to Yoshimo or Viconia) Another fella wants to worship the sphere, a woman lost her home to the sphere and a landowner thinks he owns the sphere.